Opinion: The worldwide, draconian lockdown
on surfing gives us all a wonderful chance to re-discover our rebel
By Jordan Wilk
Surfing is not a crime.
Since the day of its creation, the outside
world has distrusted skaters and entirely loathed the act of
skateboarding itself, deeming it illegal on most streets and
As if that wasn’t enough, with time came evolved means to
stopping skaters dead in their tracks; be it fines, arrests, skate
stoppers, security guards, iconic spots destroyed daily, occasional
hero-syndromed citizens, just to name a few.
All the while surfers got to pursue their board sport entirely
uninterrupted or at least until now.
If there’s one good side to this, worldwide draconian lockdown
on our favorite pastime it’s that surfers and skaters may now have
a tighter bond and something to drain a few tins over. Namely, a
blatant disrespect for any law officer/overly concerned citizen or
sign telling us we can’t ride our chosen crafts freely.
Who knows, maybe this signals the beginning of a decline in
surfings wall of positive noise, as one by one surfers around the
world start taking a page out of skaters book.
Saying fuck you to who ever wants to stop us and going for broke
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Quarantine in Style: World’s greatest
surfer Kelly Slater releases new bedroom collection for teenaged
boys and girls!
By Chas Smith
For the GOAT Jr. in your life.
Let’s face it, at the rate this is all going,
we are going to be locked indoors for the foreseeable future. And
when we are finally allowed to congregate again it will be for a
very short time as Coronavirus 2.0 will lock us back indoors once
again. Coronavirus 3.0 after that and so on.
Oh, if we’re grim and dour about it all then the Coronavirus
wins and we can’t let that happen so what are our options? What
shall we then to do?
Redecorate our indoors, of course, and as if prescient, the
world’s greatest surfer Kelly Slater just released a new bedroom
collection for teenaged boys and girls with slightly upper-middle
class retailer Pottery
Shall we feast our eyes?
Mmmmm. Sea foam green, no? And a very humongous faux wood
mid-length. Very Surf Ranch. Very Lemoore with a chair reminiscent
of 1970s era swinger parties but do you think that’s an appropriate
look for teenagers? Something they should be encouraged to partake
Also, as a writer, I am slightly concerned by the placement of
the books very high on a reclaimed wooden rafter. How are the
teenagers supposed to read them?
Otherwise, I give this quarantine look an 8.2, well into the
excellent range, and am extremely impressed by Kelly Slater’s
understanding of the teenaged mind.
But what about you? How do you feel?
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Mommy, are the heavy patrols coming again tonight?
From midnight, Coolly time, the Superbank is going to be
shuttered, courtesy of the Gold Coast City Council.
Come tomoz morn, the joint, theoretically, at least, will be
empty for the first time in living memory. It ain’t gonna be that
great, so first day of the jackboot, no one’s missing a thing.
It ain’t the only beach getting shut down, either.
The Gold Coast Council will close all beaches from the The Spit
to Surfers Paradise as well as that pretty long stretch of sand in
Coolangatta that stretches to Kirra in the north.
All the other beaches from Coolangatta to Surfers will be open
for locals, but closed to non-Gold Coast residents.
Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate said while locals were doing the
right thing, there had been some visitors at beaches not following
social-distancing rules.
“Unfortunately, over the weekend, out-of-towners are
descending on the Gold Coast in mass numbers and I fear that this
number will increase over the Easter weekend,” he said.
“Therefore, as of midnight on Tuesday, The Spit, Surfers
Paradise and Coolangatta beaches will be closed [to
Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll said beaches would be
“heavily patrolled” by police.
“Not only those beaches [that have been closed] — all of the
beaches as we go into Easter weekend,” she said.
Commissioner Carroll said people who owned holiday homes
should remain at their “principal residence”.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk reiterated people were not to
treat the Easter break as a holiday.
“There is no holiday this year,” Ms Palaszczuk
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Just one surf, baby, gimme one surf.
An open letter to Scripps scientist Kim ‘I
wouldn’t go in the water for a million dollars’ Prather, Surfline
and Surfrider: “If the public continues to get hammered with
conjecture as fact from SARS-CoV-2 ‘experts’ and the irrelevant
Surfrider lobby, they will eventually lose faith in the necessary
process of shared sacrifice and cooperation!”
By Charles McDermott
Ratcheting down on the public from all sides
without proof will sacrifice precious goodwill…
Have you published any peer reviewed articles on corona viruses
and infectivity humans in the ocean?
Do you have any training in virology, public health, immunology,
medicine, pandemic mitigation, etc?
Did you help scare the hell out of the public and law
enforcement with a lot of claims but no data?
Yes and yes.
The total beach closures that you have promoted have directly
led to significant crowding of the coastal roads and walking paths.
People are so closely confined in these already constrained areas
as they walk that they are spreading the virus to a far greater
degree than if they were in the open water or walking along a wide
Come on up to Encinitas and walk Neptune Ave or the Cardiff
trail, well done.
If the public continues to get hammered with conjecture as fact
from SARS-CoV-2 “experts“, such as yourself and the irrelevant
Surfrider lobby, they will eventually lose faith in the necessary
process of shared sacrifice and cooperation.
I now cannot walk near my house during the day.
This going to be a very long fight and the public needs to be
presented with data, facts, and proof from subject matter experts
before major policy changes that have grave knock-on effects are
If the public continues to get hammered with conjecture as fact
from SARS-CoV-2 “experts“ such as yourself and the irrelevant
Surfrider lobby, they will eventually lose faith in the necessary
process of shared sacrifice and cooperation.
If just three percent of an already highly stressed public says
“screw it” then the authorities will immediately lose ALL
Since one percent of the population has schizophrenia getting
three percent to totally losing it a few months is pretty easy.
Ratcheting down on the public from all sides without proof will
sacrifice precious goodwill that we’ll need down the road as the
facts on the ground change.
You are not alone.
I have seen a number of others touting breakthroughs and cures
with bogus promises of being to treat the public in just a few
months, when such options are much further out and that assumes
their ideas pan out.
Most of my friends and my
childrens’ friends who surf everyday, many at crowded spots, have
not gotten sick.
That’s over 100 people surfing
crowded spots everyday for months and months.
And, if you account for the huge number of untested and
asymptotic virus shedders in SD County, there is a huge probability
they have been shedding virus while surfing with all these kids and
Humans have been shedding trillions of infectious viruses and
bacteria into the ocean via sewage, run off and simply by being in
the ocean. Some of the pathogens that are being released all the
time are: e-coli, hepatitis A, influenza, herpes, norovirus, HPV,
And yet the North County surfing public is just fine.
So please, collect coastal zone data to determine if there is in
fact infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles in sufficient concentrations
(as compared to the crowded Cardiff rail trail) to cause an
infection. Then coordinate with the relevant subject matter experts
(not the LA Times) to challenge your data and conclusions
– in private.
Then you can contribute to peer-reviewed journals and contribute
to policy decisions and risk benefit analysis.
If the ocean is in fact how the virus can super-spread then I
will run ads in the local papers warning of such dangers and
happily give you all the credit you would deserve.
Charlie McDermott
PS: Dear paid Surfrider activists, please shut up, shelter in
place, and do not drive to my neighborhood to spy on my family.
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Soloed this place for decades as Rincon attracted the
flies. It’s become too crowded since late 2000’s, but I surfed the
point alone with Dan Malloy during el Niño 2005. Surf schools and
best friend parenting ’is a plague. No self regulation anymore,
chaos is allowed though. This is the parking lot at the top of the
point. The VAL crowd loves the easy coves and I wrote them off some
20 years ago… but this place held tight until demographics and
reality set in. | Photo: Hippy
Report from Santa Barbara County: “We don’t
have LA/OC/SD crowds beyond the dormant points, how can law
enforcement close long stretches of lonely beach and why?”
By Hippy
"Desperation is objective and real. Surfing is now
prohibited. Is that inglorious or fucking what?"
The drive from my home to quiet surfing is equally
quiet. Rarely traffic. The beach breaks don’t seem to
capture the imagination of those socially inclined to easy cove
surf. Something about tighter transitions and a little more girth
keep the VAL’s at bay.
Or so it seems so far.
With a historically poor winter on the points, I’ve dug in
deeper to the sands of random beach breaks.
I laughed at the concept of social distancing because I’ve been
practising for this my entire adult life and these misfits of sand
and short-period windwell fit the profile I’ve become. Plus,
you can work on quick twitch, tight transitions… at least that’s my
favorite rationalization on the eve of any trip.
The drive today was very familiar, it feels like my car can
execute the distance without my attention.
I pulled up to an empty lineup scattered with dog shit peaks
trying to lure this angry, grumpy local out of my warm car.
“Roll down your window, please,” the dark shadow on my passenger
side requested.
I never saw him pull up behind me.
“What is going on, officer?”
“I’m going to ask you to drive home. If you require an
explanation, I will ask for your license, registration and
insurance docs. The fine is exorbitant.”
He had his ticket book in hand and opened to a page he has
reserved for me.
Two weeks ago, I opened three emails that wiped out my business.
I’m very sensitive to new debts and I didn’t want to find out what
he means by “exorbitant”.
Rumors are floating that the new fines for surfing are one
thousand dollars. That’s more than the flight to Auckland I
canceled just three weeks ago.
I drove away from a virtually empty, mile-long stretch of beach
and was now acutely aware of my surroundings.
Past the point break I’ve spent four decades surfing, I see the
police barricade.
How did I miss it on my way just minutes before?
Two more sheriffs standing sentry over the beach park that the
RV’s occupy. Another motorcycle cop sitting by the mushy reef I
never surf.
Why are there so many law enforcement occupying such an
innocuous roadway, empty of fellow travelers?
The freeway is vacant.
I stop to shoot the flashing warning signs without pulling over…
there is no need to. There is one car in sight and it’s well ahead
of me.
The turnoff to Rincon is not usually lonely.
“We are not LA. As crowded as Rincon gets, I live
three miles away and surf a sand point alone 90% of the time. We
don’t have a social distancing problem.”
And there he sits, another sheriff and there it sits, another
flashing sign in the lower parking lot.
The waves don’t warrant a citation, but the message is clear,
Ventura County surfing is being shut down.
Another “Brick in the Wall” or is it another attack on our
common sense/logic?
We don’t have LA/OC/SD crowds beyond the dormant points, how can
law enforcement close long stretches of lonely beach and why?
I drive by a horrible stretch of sand within the Santa Barbara
County and notice young kids at play together looking like a surf
school. The beach is relatively busy, just four miles from the
closure zone.
How long until SB beaches are shuttered?
I drive home and grab the puppy for a short walk to look at my
sand point, the venue of last resorts.
It reminds me that I’m looking for diamonds in a pile of
Puppy doesn’t seem to mind and I aspire to have her attitude,
though it’s too late to change my tiger stripes.
Tiger stripes, has that fucking show infected my
I never watched TV beyond sports before this paradigm began.
I am now a Tiger in a cage.
Will the legal goal posts ever be removed or has the game
How often have goal posts moved and then moved back again?