Too young to drink, old enough to defend brave desert nation from being driven into the sea…
Oh let’s not mess around with introductions, read all about Reynolds’ reboot of Marine Layer here, and swing straight into the second episode, a profile on Israeli Olympian Eithan Osbourne.
Too young to drink but not too old to defend his brave little country from its Arab enemies.
Eithan’s mammy is a “French-speaking Jewish humanitarian” with a Motorhead sticker on the back of her Volvo stationwagon.
“What is the measure of success for a surf career?” writes Dane. “Trophies? Titles? Covers? Not any more… Youtube subscribers? Money made? I’m forever grateful for guys like Taylor Steele and Kai Neville who gave my generation a platform to do tricks to music. And thankful for surf magazines that organized trips and employed surf photographers who took pictures of us which got printed in said magazines thus validating sponsorships. That system has collapsed, and it aint comin back. If Chapter 11 TV has any small part in guiding the next generation of surfers and keeping it fun while providing a platform the way magazines and video makers did for us, then for me that’s a success.”