And Italo Ferriera, world champ, gives an unforgettable show for Dutch surf fans! Handstands! Big spins!
What a wild ol history Rotterdam has, from its role as the port hub in the Dutch slave trade, shipping 600k Africans to the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to having the hell bombed out of it by Göring’s superb Luftwaffe in the second existential world war.
And, now, right there in the centre of the joint is a Tom Lochtefeld-tech Surf Loch wavepool, the same buttons and switches and air pumps whatever else, used in the Palm Springs Surf Club, currently broken.
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Recently, Italo Ferreira, world champ five years ago and a dark horse to steal if off John John this year, showed the Dutch what it looks like when a man who surfs thrice a day and always with the furious clang of lips being hit, attacks it.
“Likely the best surfing that will ever be done in this pool,” Noa Flegel correctly points out.
If you’re in Rotterdam, click here to book a session.
It’s summer so the water ain’t so bad, 57 degrees or so, 14 degrees if you’re European, Australian etc.
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