A Blood Feud custom made for today!
Some mornings I wakey wakey eggs and bakey and nothing has happened in our surf world. Nothing at all. Maybe Shane Dorian’s super cute kids did something cute but that’s it.
Other mornings I wakey wakey eggs and bakey and Surfing magazine’s online editor Brendan Buckley has posted a story titled Sunny Garcia Hates Me and Sunny Garcia has responded directly on his Instagram with an added bonus of Joel Tudor weighing in and the Mother of Dragons is in the final against John John Florence guaranteeing that Futures Fins is beginning the greatest (fingers crossed) streak in sporting history (2x champ and counting) with the wild hopes of unseating previously 11x unbeaten in a row (can you even believe?) FCS.
I love Shane Dorian’s kids but these other mornings are better.
And let’s tuck in. First here’s Brendan on SurfingMagazine.com:
Gabriel Medina landed an air at the Oi Rio Pro earlier today. It was a great air, a 10. Jimmicane snapped a photo of it and we decided to run it on Instagram. I was given the responsibility of captioning it. “Power surfing makes heats. Progressive surfing makes memories. Gabriel Medina just landed an air worth remembering at the Oi Rio Pro.”
And that’s when Sunny Garcia hated me.
“…I bet whoever wrote this quote sucks ass at at surfing anyway [fist emoticon]. Good surfing is always remembered your Mag sucks now that Flame is not there”
“don’t get me wrong I love watching guys do airs but saying power surfing makes heats and airs make memories lol give me a break the person that wrote this is a kook”
Sunny is a power surfing god, guru, goliath and more. I love the way he rides waves and I respect him like I respect my father. And I wholeheartedly respect his opinion. But I’ll stand by mine.
Too many pulled punches at the end? Yes! But Brendan is a wonderful human being, handsome, funny, kind and more. I love the way he writes and I enjoy reading him like I enjoy my father etc. and you can read the rest of his opinion here but let us now move on to Sunny who took to Instagram this morning and wrote:
Had a long day yesterday and made some comments about power surfing on @surfingmagazine and as always they got twisted lol I’m a power surfer but I like good surfing by anyone but when a editor of a Mag says that power surfing wins heats and airs are more memorable I’m calling him out in it because the truth is incredible surfing will always be remembered regardless if it’s a air or @thomasvictorcarroll hack at big Pipe even if I like the later 🙂 Brendan Buckley I don’t hate you but you are a kook and @gabrielmedina fucking rips and there’s no denying that 🙂 and @surfingmagazine please get a new editor
Who won the round? Who is more convincing? Maybe Joel Tudor? He came screaming in off the sidelines and wrote:
@sunnygarcia I’ve hated everything about that magazine since I was a child – they have told myself and @vans that longboarding is not a legitimate style of wave riding to be in the pages of their magazine! That was straight from the editors mouth —- flame was notorious for being open about how much he hated longboards – THAT MAG CAN EAT A DICK
No! Not Joel Tudor! In a surprise uppercut from the grave Surfing‘s legendary and dead photo editor Larry “Flame” Moore knocks out the competition and takes the whole feud! Longboarders objectively stink so terribly that our very own Derek Rielly has instructed his children to shoot them on sight.
Did you see that coming? Did you see Flame standing victorious at the end? That’s why I love these other mornings.