A classic old Dole advertisement, harking back
to a simpler time etc.
Fast-food lovers in shock following
explosive claim “the heavy association between Hawai’i and
pineapples (ie. Hawai’ian pizza) is racist, exploitative paradise
By Derek Rielly
“When you visit the Dole plantation here on O'ahu
or buy a Dole pineapple, you're supporting the legacy of Hawai'i's
A popular activist on Twitter has set the fast-food
world on its heels, as well as island tourists, by claiming the
“heavy association between Hawai’i and pineapples (Hawaiian pizza)
is racist, exploitative paradise propaganda!”
oni ku’ulei, a twenty-four-year-old “Black/Kānaka Maoli bisexual
beauty”, pronouns she/her, laid out her explosive tract in a
Twitter thread, her opening gambit generating a wild 34.5k likes,
7,866 retweets and 173 comments.
When you visit the Dole plantation here on O’ahu or buy a
Dole pineapple, you’re supporting the legacy of Hawai’i’s
colonizers. Just some fruit for thought…
Here’s your reminder that the heavy
association between Hawai’i & pineapples (“Hawaiian” pizza, etc) is
racist, exploitive paradise propaganda. Pineapples are used to sell
the fantasy of a tropical Hawaiian utopia to tourists. Factually,
pineapples are native to South America. 🧵
Here’s your reminder that the heavy association between
Hawai’i & pineapples (“Hawaiian” pizza, etc) is racist, exploitive
paradise propaganda. Pineapples are used to sell the fantasy of a
tropical Hawaiian utopia to tourists. Factually, pineapples are
native to South America.
Sanford B. Dole advocated for the colonization, or
“westernization” of Hawaiian land, ppl, culture, & gvmt.
Successfully. He was the first “president” of Hawai’i in 1894,
despite Hawai’i not being officially annexed (STOLEN) until 1898.
The Doles ended up in Hawai’i after his…
… great grandfather set out for Hawai’i as a Christian
missionary with the intent to obliterate Native Hawaiian culture,
beliefs, rituals, etc. James Dole, Sanford’s brother, is
responsible for the pineapple industry in Hawai’i (circa 1901).
Business was good! Eventually…Dole needed to keep up with labor
demands. The Native Hawaiian population was severely incapacitated
due to the disease that colonizers brought to the islands, an issue
that still affects Hawai’i to this day. So, Dole hired and
transported plantation workers from…the Philippines,
Japan, China, & Portugal. This is why many Hwns have mixtures of
these ethnicities (like me — Black, Hwn, Chinese, Filipina). Why
almost all settler families are from those places. It has a lot to
do with why the stereotypical visual of a Hawaiian is
On Hawai’i being a paradise utopia — Hawai’i does not only
exist in the vacation of your dreams. Hawai’i is a real place, w/
real people, and the indigenous population is struggling.
Houselessness, drug addiction, poverty, food insecurity, no livable
wage, & rent is high AF.
Here’s a fun fact, it’s no longer cost effective to grow
Dole pineapples in Hawai’i. They now grow the majority of their
stock in the Philippines and are able to profitably reap the
benefits of the perfect Hawaiian fantasy/facade. Dole made $9.3b in
Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit the Dole
pineapple plantation while visiting Oahu, the train ride, the
plantation garden tour, the chocolate-making demos as well as the
three-acre pineapple maze a treat for young and old and all very
well priced at thirteen dollars for adults and seven dollars for
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The Hoya Destroya (pictured) on way to
Surfers looking to get rich quick flock to
betting sites and throw money on Ethan Ewing, gambling that
handsome Australian will continue storybook run and smash
“emotionally and otherwise fragile” Filipe Toledo in WSL
By Chas Smith
But here we are, now, under two weeks away from
the potential kick-off of World Surf League final’s day, there on
the cobbled stone of Lower Trestles. Excitement simmering at a heat
low enough to guarantee no premature boil over.
And dislike or hate the new format, rolled out for the first
time last year, wherein the top five male surfers and the top five
female surfers after Teahupo’o battle it out for the title of 2022
champion, it does provide interesting storylines where there would
otherwise be none.
The prohibitive favorite, going in, for example, was local
Filipe Toledo who is the consensus world’s best small wave surfer.
He leads the rankings by a large margin and headed into his
backyard, only having to surf one heat, seemed a guarantee.
Toledo put on one of the most embarrassing performances in
sporting history out at the aforementioned Place of Broken Skills,
watching two elderly gentlemen trade bombs underneath his priority
because he was too afraid to paddle. The emotional toll of the
incident on Toledo became apparent when he vigorously defended
himself on social media, blaming the judges for his loss and
declaring he was “stoked” on his
To add fuel to fire, World Surf League CEO Erik Logan, in a sit down interview with ex-race car driver
Danica Patrick declared, “I like having people
believe in things bigger than themselves. A lot of my pathology in
my life had been you can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you
can’t. And what I realized is that I was proving something to
myself but then what I actually realized is that the joy came from
actually watching other people see things that they can’t see.”
I don’t know what that means.
In any case, Filipe is in the top slot, Jack Robinson right
below him in second, Ethan Ewing in third. The handsome Australian
has been a revelation this year, beating Robinson at J-Bay, gaining
steam. He is currently paying 10 –
1 and only has to beat either Kanoa Igarashi or a
relatively uninspiring Italo Ferreira, then Robinson and a very
fragile Toledo to win it all.
A Toledo haunted by failure.
By a shame that would cause a man from another time to slice his
belly open, letting his guts spill out onto the floor.
So, are you going to get rich or are you going to die
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The man (pictured) with Disney security.
Man attempts to surf Disney World water
fountain, gets tossed out of property by security for being “most
uninventive, low, cliched social media leech since Dan
By Chas Smith
Central Florida’s surf community woke up
rocked, this morning, when it was revealed that a man
attempting to surf a water fountain in Disney World had been
ejected by security. The “stunt” began to unfold around noon when
the mid-20s-to-mid-30s-year-old tossed his yellowed egg into the
fountain in front of Ron Jon’s surf shop and Lime Garage at Disney
Springs and attempted to “paddle.”
He wore messy hair, floral trunks and a pair of binoculars
around his neck.
Security was quick to the scene, removing the “surfer” from the
property while onlookers gaped.
Disney watchers covering the
story assumed the antic was an attempt to gain “social
media clout,” the man to allegedly post a video of the fountain
surfing to Instagram where followers could “like” and enjoy the
zany juxtaposition.
Critics immediately pounced, decrying the scene as “uninventive”
and calling the attention seeker the “most cliched social media
leech since Dan Bilzerian.”
Bilzerian regularly poses with busty models and guns, captioning
his photos “Don’t trust your gf with me, chapter 93” etc.
Not highbrow.
Reports quickly leaked that the same man had tried the same
performance at a nearby Hilton hotel. Surfers in the area are
advised to throw a rock into his egg if they see him attempt to
reprise at any local beaches.
More as the story develops.
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It ain't pretty but you should see the
World surfing champion John John Florence
just spent $US2,995,000 buying his childhood home at Pipeline for
his mama Alex and it’s next door to Kelly Slater!
By Derek Rielly
It's the feel-good story of the year!
The story of the Florence family, single mama Alex and
her three boys, John John, Nathan and Ivan, is as good as
it gets.
Back in 1986, sixteen-year-old Alex, from Ocean Grove, a
Christian seaside community, in New Jersey and the sweetest of
sixteens, told her parents she was going to the North Shore and
asked if they’d, like, mind, driving her to La Guardia airport.
The surfing thing had been in her head ever since she was 12 and
she was soaking her brain every day in surf movies like Beyond
Blazing Boards and riding skateboards all over town and surfing in
oversized wetsuits.
One day Alex was sitting in the room of one of her pals watching
surf vids on the portable television set with the giant video
cassette recorder hooked up and said: “I’m going to be one of those
With a backpack and a skateboard and a couple of c-notes in her
purse, the lil blonde teenager landed in Honolulu, walked out to
the Nitmiz and just stuck out her thumb. She stepped off in Haleiwa
where another gal, who was 19 but seemed so worldly, picked her up
and said,
“Say, girl, do you need a job?”
Uh, yeah.
Well, we’re filming this movie, North Shore and…”
Do what I did and download the movie and check out the Halloween
party scene 20 minutes in. Sure is a scene. Laird Hamilton is in
lycra pants and his bare torso is painted in purple and lime zinc.
A bearded Gerry Lopez is the Hui leader Vince, sullen, supping
beers and looking evilly serene in a red bomber jacket and yellow
tee. And, there, but don’t blink, is Mom John squeezing past the
female lead Kiani and the Arizona wave pool champ Rick Kane. Yep,
that shoulder length tangle of permed blond hair in the leopard
skin lycra is the same gal who, five years, later would birth the
first of three remarkable kids.
But, this is 1986, and ain’t there some partying to do! The set
of North Shore, which also starred eighties surf star Rob Page and
perennial icon Mark Occhilupo, is a 21-day bender.
Three weeks ends too fast and Alex needs a place to crash and a
job. She scoops up a room at Velzyland, just south of Sunset, and
the most Hawaiian of the North Shore’s beachfront neighbourhoods.
Fifty bucks a month for her room and Alex becomes one of five gals
on the North Shore that actually surfs
And, yeah, V-Land is tough but the heavies take a liking to this
tiny blonde thing, this little sister from the mainland. Back then,
the gnarliest cat was a guy called Junior Boy Moepono, 150-plus
kilos of Polynesian threat. And, for whatever reason, Junior kept a
protective arm around Alex.
Later, Alex’d move to Kauai for a year, setting up at Hanalei
Bay, right where the Irons kids grew up and then she’d take off to
Bali for six months. Australian surfers taught her how to ride a
motorbike in Poppies Lane. She hopped a boat to Lombok for a while
and then did the 24-hour bemo-ferry run to G-Land where she got so
lit up by malaria she had to call her parents to get flown
But, do you think little Alex can live in Ocean Grove?
Chasing money and more adventure, Alex grabbed a cruise
shop waitress gig with a gal pal who happened to a beauty who’d
just won the Miss San Antonia beauty pageant. Her friend brought
along her boyfriend and together they cruised the Caribbean.
Soon, more adventure. This time Europe as a backpacker. The
couple had split back on the cruise ship and Alex and the guy
travelled to Europe, strictly as pals. Separate beds. Totally on
the level.
But, then, one night in Austria.
A few drinks.
Stumbling into the cold night.
One night.
One night in 1990 and the creation of John John Florence, named
after the American president’s little boy, the kid who bravely
saluted his Dad’s coffin in front of millions of Americans. Yeah,
that’s a name that has strength, that has courage.
The partnership didn’t work. How could it? Three little boys.
Ain’t a lot of cash in the house they rented at Rocky Point. Dad
soon disappeared into the penal system.
Alex remembers driving in her ancient Valiant, the ex-husband
gone, John, five, Nathan, three, Ivan, a baby at one-and-a-half,
looking over at her little boys and saying: “What do you guys want
to do? We don’t have to do anything or be anywhere? We can stay out
til 10:30! We can go to thrift stores!”
Alex took her kids everywhere and despite what y’might call a
massive hand break, felt this sudden freedom. A total freedom. She
took them everywhere. And that summer after the Dad split Alex
packed up the house and with her three little ducklings that
followed her everywhere, flew to Bingin in Bali where she knew a
local family who’d let ’em stay in their warung, cheap.
Sure, she didn’t have much money, but here they were living on
10 dollars a day, and they stretched out their resources ($1200)
for a sublime four months. Little Ivan, who was just over two then,
had broken his leg on the trampoline before they’d split but Alex
was cool, she just carried her kid everywhere.
Back on the Shore, Herbie Fletcher, a pioneer of jetskis in the
surf, was towing John John into bombs when he was seven. Here they
were, back at Rocky Point, just one house back from the sand,
funded by taking in up to 10 boarders at a time, squeezing ’em into
three bedrooms. Alex’d let floorspace for $250 a month. Whatever it
They built a half-pipe in the yard. Magazines British Vogue, US
Vogue and Elle couldn’t help themselves when they heard about this
gorgeous solo surf mom and her shaggy haired boys. Alex felt like
she had a guardian angel. No money, but she was on the beach, was
feeding her three boys and, well, you tell me that this ain’t the
Meanwhile, Alex was studying for her degree in English
literature at the University of Honolulu. And, this is where it
gets real good. Alex says that if you saw the size of her student
loans, which she’s only just paid off, you’d think she was the
“gnarliest surgeon ever.”
But, her gig was using her loans to support the family, to raise
the kids. She didn’t want to leave her kids with just anybody. So
she went to school at nights and took in boarders. Yeah, sometimes
dinner was corn flakes, but the kids were playing outside in
the sun and were getting pushed (or towed) into waves by a role
call of surfing icons including Nathan Fletcher, Danny Fuller, Kala
and Kamalei Alexander, Herbie Fletcher and Pete Johnson.
Jamie O’Brien, too, but he was always a little crazy and’d
sometimes throw dog shit at the kids. But, he also got John into
contests and pushed into waves during his first-ever heat, aged
And, it wasn’t all surf.
Nathan, a smart kid, would gobble up whatever lit books Alex
threw at him, from Bukowski to Tom Wolfe. He’d mow through a
thousand-page volume in one day.
Still, these were, are, ballsy little kids. Alex has lost count
of how many times she’s thrown a bleeding kid in the car and
hot-dogged it to emergency. John’s broken “almost everything”, his
neck, his back, legs, wrists, arms, ankles. Ivan earned 55 stitches
in his face (rogue fin) after he paddled into a 25-footer
that would later be nominated for the Billabong XXL wave of the
Eventually, they were squeezed out of the house by a sale, an
owner moving back, whatever it was, Alex can’t remember.
So Alex and John John, now 10 but mature beyond his years,
’cause he’s seen some shit out there on the Shore and he knows what
it’s like to live on nothing, were walking down the street that
runs parallel to the beach and talking about the situation, saying
stuff like, “Oh man, what are we going to do now?”
And, as they’re walking, there’s this little beach house, just
on the corner of where they live now, and Alex, being Alex, sees
this car in the driveway, looks at John, who nods, and they walk
right up to the owner, their brown faces break into gazillion watt
smiles, and they say, “How about it?”
Ain’t a bad place to live out your harvest
And, suddenly, they’re at Pipe.
And, now, twenty years later and for five thousand bucks under
three-million dollars, her little boy John, who is now a few weeks
from turning thirty, has given his mama, this brave woman who moved
out to the North Shore and who created the lives that has made the
boys who they are, the gift of their childhood home.
(In other real estate news, John has been examining a real big
hunk of dirt near the polo field there in Mokuleia. Ticket price
ain’t cheap, eight million dollars.)
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"Let me put you gently to sleep."
Big wave stud, Kauai local Mark Zuckerberg
follows thoroughly original surfer-cum-tough guy path into
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: “It’s a big part of who I am!”
By Chas Smith
Viva surfing and submission.
Well this all just stands to reason, doesn’t it
though? But can you imagine a Hawaii local, big wave charger, tough
guy who does not, also, participate in Brazilian jiu-jitsu? The
answer is, obviously, no as the great choking and submitting art
has intertwined with our surfing like peanut butter has intertwined
with jelly, Michael Jackson jams and light frowns whilst playing
loudly near preschools.
But you recall the WHOOP glory years
here. Oh, I forgot. WHOOP wasn’t very excited about
combat sport but WHOOP ain’t no Facebook and don’t have no
legendary Mark Zuckerberg at helm (buy here).
The Meta CEO, Hawaii local, big wave charger was a recent guest
on the very popular Joe Rogan podcast and, between talking about
Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop computer, let slip that BJJ is “a
big part” of who he is.
Kai “Borg” Garcia, Dustin Barca, Mark Zuckerberg.
But do you recall, recently, when MMA star Paddy “The Baddy”
Pimblett called Zuckerberg out after a victory in the octagon?
I reckon dream matchup closer than ever.
Acai bowls ruthlessly slapped.
Whatever happened to Michael Rodrigues, speaking of? He blocked
me across social media channels, years ago, and I’ve lost