Rage on the faces of Australia's surf squad.
Rage on the faces of Australia's surf squad.

Australia’s Olympic surf squad cries foul after country sends coffee experts to Paris but not Teahupo’o ahead of Games

"It's NOT FAIR!"

Australia is the most isolated continent on earth. There if floats in the southern hemisphere, counting only small-ish island nations as neighbors. Small-ish island nations and New Zealand, which also just so happens to be a small-ish island nation. It makes a certain amount of sense that those living down under have never heard of Paris’ culinary delights.

Yes, the host of the 2024 Olympic Games is teeming with the most delicious treasures. France, in general, and Paris, specifically, can be said to be top of class in force fed livers, baby cow, duck, both aged and young, eggs in crust, oysters on the half shell and coffee. Every street in the City of Light has multiple kiosks, cafes or full blown restaurants where the weary passerby can dip in and perk up with double espresso, americano or cappuccino. The French, mercifully, stuck their noses up at the third-wave coffee movement and serve theirs lightly burnt.


I take mine each morning near the Palais Garnier, staring up at the statue of Harmonie.


But, again, apparently unknown to Australia, which is sending foodstuffs and baristas to Paris to feed its athletes during the Games.

Per Delicious.com.au

They say that home is where the heart is. As it turns out, it’s where the Vegemite is too. Despite heading to one of the world’s food capitals, Paris, Australian Olympians will be treated to a little taste of home during their stints in the Olympic Village.

During a press conference on Wednesday, June 5, the Australian Olympic Committee announced the special touches planned for the athletes as they battle it out for gold at the Paris 2024 games.

Creature comforts like Vegemite, Weet-Bix, Four’n’Twenty pies, Milo, and a trio of travelling baristas will be available to our athletes, fuelling them with flat whites and keeping homesickness at bay.

The Irukandji surf squad, however, likely furious as there is no mention of Vegemite nor three baristas heading to “The End of the Road.” Yes, Tahiti, in general, and Teahupo’o, specifically, has… poisson cru. Poisson cru for breakfast, poisson cru for lunch and poisson cru for dinner. It is sometimes ok. Never top of class and rage, I’d imagine, in Tyler Wright’s camp as she will be undernourished while fighting a bevy of health issues.

Ethan Ewing, too, whose fine figure will no doubt suffer.

Light a candle, please.

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Donald Trump and Moana Jones Wong.
President Donald Trump seconds after assassination attempt, left, and Moana Jones Wong, Queen of Pipe.

Queen of Pipeline Moana Jones Wong praises Donald Trump in wake of assassination attempt!

“That’s my president”

Moana Jones Wong, whose wildly dominant performance against the best surfers in the world at Pipeline a couple of years back made her, briefly, the toast of the surfing, has posted her support for President Donald Trump after ol Donny nearly caught a bullet in the neck down there in Pennsylvania.

Under a re-posted clip of the Trump assassination attempt cut to 50 Cents’ Many Men by Nathan Florence’s filmer Zoard Janko, Wong writes simply: 

“That’s my president.” 

Moana Jones Wong on Donald Trump
Moana Jones Wong likes Prez Donald Trump.

Surfers, who naturally tend to skew right politically, this ain’t the seventies anymore, broadly supported Wong’s position, with only one outlier writing: 

“I didn’t know there was lead in Hawaii’s drinking water”


“Now we know who you really are.” 


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The last time Wong was on these pages was almost one year ago when the Pipe champ was slammed for transphobic comments in a wild fusillade by the Committee for Equity in Women’s Surfing, a “non-profit, which accepts all races, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, gender expressions, countries of origin, ethnicities, religions and genders”.

Surf Equity were made very sad after Water People, the podcast from off-the-grid living liberals Dave Rastovich and Lauren Hill featured an interview with Wong.

A little irony here. Hill made noise when she claimed The Surfer’s Journal “blatantly excludes female surfers, writers and photographers from the pages of TSJ”

(JP Currie wrote about that episode here.)

“What was the rationale behind Water People’s decision to feature a conversation with a prominent surfer, Moana Jones Wong, who was been associated with controversial statements?” Surf Equity posted.

“In 2023, Wong aligned herself with Bethany Hamilton in expressing views that were perceived as anti-trans and targeted towards LGBTQIA+ surfers. Additionally, Wong made comments questioning the competitive prowess of cisgender women in professional surfing, suggesting that they were inadequate in comparison to a trans woman. These incidents contribute to the rise of anti-trans sentiments within the pro surfing community, involving numerous athletes.”

The assassination attempt, meanwhile, will drive the news cycle for the next week.

Tell me: set-up, crazed Antifa man-gal, CIA, FBI, Russkies, Ukrainians, Jews or just a loose unit with a gun? 

Kelly Slater is being sought for comment.

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Dane Reynolds (right) examines a rabid seal.
Dane Reynolds (right) examines a rabid seal.

Rabid seals replace great white sharks as main surf terror in South Africa

An Olympic-sized problem?

The surf apocalypse is well and truly flourishing what with hordes of soft-toppers swamping lineups, professional surfers forced to toil under the OnlyFans yoke and now rabid seals terrorizing South African surfers willy nilly. Yes, the hearty and healthy souls who paddle into that cold Atlantic have long had to deal with the terror of great white shark, but the seal menace is far more worrying.

“I was out surfing the other day, when this seal popped up in the lineup [of surfers] to sun itself,” Gregg Oelofse, who is in charge of coastal management for Cape Town council, told the Guardian. “Usually, surfers would enjoy the interaction. But now everyone was paddling as fast as they could to get away.”

Scientists are uncertain when, or where, the seals first contracted the virus but it is causing much fear and also damage. Last month, one seal bit several surfers in a matter of minutes leaving one with “horrific facial injuries that could only have been inflicted by a seriously aggressive animal.”

It is estimated that some two million cape fur seals live in South Africa and there is no telling how many of them are struck with the foamy flu. “We really want to know the transfer rate [of the disease],” Oelofse continued, expressing concern that rabies might become endemic in the seal population or jump to other coastal mammals such as Cape clawless otters. “We’re also super-worried about what it might mean for our seals,” says. “And we really don’t want any humans to get rabies.”

The clawless otters don’t sound too scary, tbh, but Covid didn’t either, if we’re honest.

The real worry, I suppose, is the threat posed to professional surfers who have a history of contracting exotic ailments. Australian Olympian Tyler Wright comes first to mind along with Brazil’s Filipe Toledo. He will be heading to Teahupo’o in days after taking the year off to recover from mental health. The world will, of course, be rallying in his corner. Wishing for the greatest sport story of all-time to manifest in front of our very eyes.

I’m with them and if dang rabid seals get in the way….

… ugh.

I’ll, of course, be covering all the action from Paris and will be overjoyed to entertain any and all rabid athletes here. Foie gras, I feel, a sort of dark age’d antidote.

More as the story develops.

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Developing: Paris 2024 officials force gold medal favourite to remove Christ the Redeemer graphic from surfboards

"It's very frustrating to be excluded from representing my home country... simply because of my religious identity."

In a turbo-charged example of France’s secular laws, or Laïcité as they call it, French Olympic officials have banned all explicit religious symbols from the Paris 2024 Games.

And, in the case of Brazil’s João Chianca, one of the gold medal favourites at Teahupoo, he’s been told to remove his Christ the Redeemer graphic from his quiver of Channel Islands shooters.

“I just received the news that painting is not authorized at the Olympic Games because Christ is a religious figure,” said Chianca. “And the games have strict rules and focus on total neutrality.”

Christ the Redeemer, if y’didn’t know, is that one-hundred-foot statue of Jesus Christ, with the disgraced rabbi’s arms outstretched, built atop Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro.


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French secularism has real long roots stretching back to the French Revolution of 1789 when the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen proclaimed the freedom of religious opinion.

A couple of hundred years later, the Law on the Separation of the Churches and State was passed, establishing the separation of church and state in France. This law has been real important in French society ever since, ensuring that the state remains neutral in matters of religion.

It means no crucifix necklaces in school and, theoretically at least, no gals in hijabs strolling into classrooms. Obviously, it’s a pretty paper thin rule.

A little aside: my kids were educated in the French system and one of ‘em had to cover his skate tee which featured a cross. But, then, one of the sub teachers got around in a pretty LVT hijab.

Go figure, as they say.

The ban has hit one of France’s star basketball players, French Muslim Diaba Konate told she couldn’t wear her hijab during the Games.

“Despite my desire and skills, I’m… not actually allowed to play for France because of discriminatory policies,” the 24-year-old told France24.

“It’s very frustrating to be excluded from representing my home country… simply because of my religious identity,” said the athlete who has played on France’s national youth team and has a career in college basketball in the United States. I strongly believe that sports should be inclusive.”

The surfing takes place over four days in a 10-day window, from 27 July to 5 August.

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City almost bombed out of existence by Goring’s Luftwaffe opens Tom Lochtefeld-designed wave pool

And Italo Ferriera, world champ, gives an unforgettable show for Dutch surf fans! Handstands! Big spins!

What a wild ol history Rotterdam has, from its role as the port hub in the Dutch slave trade, shipping 600k Africans to the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to having the hell bombed out of it by Göring’s superb Luftwaffe in the second existential world war.

And, now, right there in the centre of the joint is a Tom Lochtefeld-tech Surf Loch wavepool, the same buttons and switches and air pumps whatever else, used in the Palm Springs Surf Club, currently broken.


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Recently, Italo Ferreira, world champ five years ago and a dark horse to steal if off John John this year, showed the Dutch what it looks like when a man who surfs thrice a day and always with the furious clang of lips being hit, attacks it.

“Likely the best surfing that will ever be done in this pool,” Noa Flegel correctly points out.

If you’re in Rotterdam, click here to book a session.

It’s summer so the water ain’t so bad, 57 degrees or so, 14 degrees if you’re European, Australian etc.


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