"He's a savage. Classy, bougie, ratchet."
Now, there are many ways to savage kooks including, but not limited to, lowering double barrels on a podcast and firing grosse pointe blank. Then, of course, there are more traditional ways such as slapping the water, barking like a dog, mumbling under breath, staring, thinking bad thoughts or, the greatest, pulling a leash.
World Qualifying Series journeyman, and Floridian, Michael Dunphy put on an absolute clinic with regards to the latter. The perpetually young fellow happens to be on Australia’s Gold Coast with the Deivid Silva etc. when the masterwork occurred. Dunphy can be seen speeding up in order to grab the leash of a lightly overweight longboarder, tugging hard and sending the portly man tumbling.
Praise was near universal.
Scion of positivity Chris Cote declared, “Hey Burkhart, wanna buy some photos?”
Surf photography legend Jimmy “Cane” Wilson added, “This might be my favorite clip ever on instagram.”
Style master Devon Howard found the tow technique “on point.”
And Joel Tudor brought it all home with, “That’s what ya get for wearing a dork strap on longboard / 2 ft wave.”