Opinion: “It is time for the greatest genius in modern surf brand history to launch his best eponymous brand yet!”

"Introducing Bob."

This has been filed under the “opinion” category but only because the biggest surf website in the entire world doesn’t have a “Demand:…” header. Or, we probably do but it wasn’t well received. Which brings us to Hurley. I only just learned yesterday that the brand’s visionary founder, and sons, have been drummed out by new owner Bluestar Alliance. That the entire family was “transitioned” to where there is only much wailing and gnashing of teeth but let us go first to a more reputable source, to the very famous Shop-Eat-Surf which turned Julia Roberts’ Eat-Pray-Love on its very head, mortifying single north of 43-years-old yogis from North County, San Diego who regard that film/book as holy literature.

Hurley family members who held key executive positions at the company are no longer at the brand under the new ownership of Bluestar Alliance.

Founder and Brand Ambassador Bob Hurley, Creative Director Ryan Hurley, Chief Marketing Officer Jeff Hurley, and Head of Product Chance King, Bob’s son-in-law, have all departed.

We have asked Bluestar several questions over the course of a few days including about who is leading the company now but have not received a reply.

Etc. but not really.

And the savvy amongst us will remember how Mr. Bob Hurley pulled the rug out from under Billabong in creating Hurley. Spectacularly. Richly. Gorgeously.

For certain he has more tricks up his sleeve. For certain he has “Bob.” The next hot super now surf brand that will undoubtedly pull the rug out from under Bluestar Alliance.


I would buy anything they produced today.

Would buy anything literally anything.

I believe.

You do too.


The brand that shatters our Surf Industry Apocalypse.

More as the story develops/when you see “Bob” wrapping BeachGrit.

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Ffffffffffft etc.

Like a Lamb in the claws of a tiger: World’s first inflatable reef “The Airwave” tears during installation!

Miracle of human ingenuity looks like drained wineskin after "a very deep swell that we weren't planning on."

If there’s a lesson inventors and spruikers of artificial reefs should’ve learned by now, it’s this: any attempt to harness the might of the ocean is like putting a lamb in the claws of a tiger.

The ocean, as most of us know or should know, will refuse, violently if necessary, any attempt at its subjugation.

“We had a lot of undertow — a new swell came through that was a very deep swell that we weren’t planning on, and it was pushing the undertow through the line-up,” its inventor Troy Bottegal told the ABC.

Yesterday, an inflatable reef called The Airwave, a UFO-shaped bladder six-feet high by thirty-six feet wide, which was anchored off a normally waveless stretch of Western Australian coast in a town called Bunbury one hundred miles south of Perth, revealed a catastrophic tear.

“We had a lot of undertow — a new swell came through that was a very deep swell that we weren’t planning on, and it was pushing the undertow through the line-up,” its inventor Troy Bottegal told the ABC. “It’s torn along the seam — it hasn’t torn the actual rubber, which is very strong. The pressure from the airbag going back and forward with the undertow and incoming swell has put some pressure on that particular seam…You only find these things out when you’re installing them for the first time, and you learn so much about how you want to install them in future, when we start to put these things over the world. As horrid as it sounds, when you’re committed to putting something in and installing it, you have to deal with these things. When you’re committed to something you have to see it through to the end.”

The City of Bunbury, Australia’s fastest growing city as it happens, threw $A75,000 ($US50,000) at the project in an attempt to convince surfers to turn right into Bunbury instead of gunning it straight to Margarets another hour south.

Its chief executive Mal Osborne was philosophical despite the failure.

“Troy Bottegal and his team have been working extremely hard over the last few days to put an inflatable bladder into the ocean, which is no mean feat,” Osborne told ABC.

Right now, the reef looks like a drained wineskin and beachgoers, surfers etc have been urged to avoid the area.

Watch video here. 

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Like True Detective only sicker.
Like True Detective only sicker.

Horrifying: Mysterious serial killer, likely a surfer, decapitating baby Great White sharks and ritualistically displaying their mangled bodies in and around Cape Town!

Baby shark chop, chop, chop, chop the head...

I’ve warned you all, for months now, to stay out of the water for it is the sharks’ domain, Great White, Tiger and Bull, and they are evolving at a ruthlessly terrifying pace. Learning to keep their fins below the water in order to dodge detection. Learning to prefer men over women and not just for grossly sexist reasons but because physiology. Body mass, meat on the bones etc.

Well, some sick, twisted pervert in Cape Town, South Africa somehow dreamed that his human evolution was greater than the mighty Great White’s and took the detente there to serially kill and decapitate many of babies/juveniles but don’t take my word for it. Let us read directly from Cape Town’s own News24.

Dozens of headless sharks were found dumped on Strandfontein beach in Cape Town on Sunday morning.

According to Cape of Good Hope SPCA, the sharks were found with their heads, dorsal fins and tails severely injured. The SPCA said it had received a call to respond to the area from Law Enforcement and City of Cape Town officials earlier in the day.

The team’s inspectors arrived on scene and found the sharks laying on the shore, SPCA said in a Facebook post.

It added that the circumstances surrounding the incident were being investigated.

Now, my worry, our worry, is how the vicious Great White parents of these murdered minors will evolve yet again to deal with this ill-thought spree.

Could Austin Powers’ Dr. Evil’s prophecy not be far off?

Sharks with lasers?

More as the story develops.

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Eco-Terrorism: Surfers expose, colonize, destroy one-time bucolic island paradise of Bali!

Heaps thirsty.

During that final roll call, when all of the good and all of the bad of all our lives is placed upon the scales, will surfers, as a group, emerge as a beneficial sect or scurrilous trash? On the positive side we might find gifting humanity a healthy fear of Great White sharks. On the negative, maybe even on top of a very large pile including, but not limited to, Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch plow, there will certainly be the exposure, colonization and destruction of one-time paradise Bali.

Oh we’ve all been and many of us have even taken advantage of favorable economic disparities to live gilded lives with swimming pools, servants, etc. that would have been altogether impossible in the United States or Australia. That would have never even been dreamed but there, in Bali, rupiah raining down from the sky, we practiced yoga on teak decks overlooking pristine breaks. We surfed and hash-tagged #blessed.

Well, all those swimming pools etc., all those advertisements for a perfect life attracted tourist hordes who are draining Bali of her waters and let us read hard truths. Let us look our sin directly in the eye.

Tourists are being blamed for a shortage of freshwater in drought-stricken Bali, which has seen more than half its rivers run dry.

The holiday island is still waiting for its delayed wet season to begin as a drought that’s affecting an estimated 50 million people across Indonesia continues to threaten food security, local culture and quality of life, Al-Jazeera reports.

Some 260 of Bali’s 400 rivers have run dry and the island’s largest water reserve, Lake Buyan, had dropped 3.5 metres. Meanwhile, the falling water table is causing saltwater intrusion in many areas across the island, especially in the south.

“I believe Bali is in real danger,” local journalist Anton Muhajir, who has been covering Bali’s water crisis, told Al-Jazeera.

“Some of my friends have had to move from their ancestral homes in Denpasar because the water in their wells has turned salty. At Jatiluwih, where thousands of tourists go each day to see the most beautiful rice terraces of Bali, farmers are using plastic pipes to pump in water they have to buy in the south because the springs in the mountains are drying up.

“And now we have drought, not just in Bali but in nearly every province in Indonesia.”

The blame has fallen on Bali’s tourism industry, which uses about 65 per cent of the island’s water, according to the Indonesian non-government organisation IDEP Foundation.


And shame.

Shame on me. Shame on you. Shame on Taylor Steele who once lived in Bali with his family but only a little bit of shame because I sure would like a Christmas bottle of his organic sipping tequila Solento and…

…wait just a minute. What if tequila was served on Bali instead of water? What if the rivers, streams and reservoirs ran with 100% agave goodness?

Could surfers actually save Bali?

More as the story develops.

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“I sometimes wake up and feel totally alone in the world. I think it happens to people that have had great success in their life. I feel super alone, and people don’t quite relate to me.” | Photo: @sensitiveseashellcollector

Kelly Slater: “I sometimes wake up and feel totally alone in the world…people don’t quite relate to me.”

Eleven-time champ opens up on Olympic podcast. “The way to fill that hole in my heart was just to win.”

Remember back in July 2018 when Parko announced his retirement at J-Bay, and Slater immediately plonked his own end date announcement (end of 2019) down on top like it was a game of Snap?

(Read: Of Course: Kelly Slater Steals Parko’s Thunder here.)

T’was much outrage at the time. Kelly controlling the narrative, smothering yet another moment to make it his own.

The evil king’s magic mirror etc.

(Kelly said he was so inspired by Joel’s announcement he wanted to follow suit.)

Recriminations aside, it now is the end of 2019.

And Slater’s still back and forth on his retirement like a yo yo.

Will he or won’t he? The question has dominated two of his three decades in the biz.

Maybe it’s a case of Kelly’s infamous mind games. But at this late stage in his career whose head is he getting in to, other than his own?

Or could it be genuine indecision? The bizarre Sound Waves episode still looms large in our rear view. What was left of his veneer was peeled back way too far for comfort.

Was the GOAT really taking life advice from a faith healer? Could our king really be that… vulnerable?

The Olympic podcast may provide some answers.

This semi-regular offering has again smashed through the WSL’s wall of positive noise like a doped up Ruski. The unaffected, spartan illumination of its subject matter is of a class E-Lo and his saccharine sweet offerings could only dream.

It’s the ‘Enough Rope’ style of  interviewing: if you give the subject enough rope they’ll hang themselves.

Kelly’s certainly not turned into a spectacle as he was in Sound Waves, intentionally or otherwise.

Like with Owen Wright before him, Kiwi journo Ash Tulloch gives Kelly space to breathe. And we get to dig a little deeper into what drives the goat.

But are we just looking at another mirror? Another patented Kelly smoke show?

Make your own judgement, here.

(A quick aside on Dave Prodan’s new WSL podcast. Dave comes across as a nice guy with core credentials. The intent is there. But the interviews still play out like extended post heats. No new stones are unturned. The decision not to grill Toledo on his big-wave game, despite multiple opportunities, was telling. There’s a way to go yet.)

Some highlights:

On his early career (Kelly speaks about his poor upbringing, and negative influences in his early life on tour): “The way to fill that hole in my heart was just to win.”

On being Kelly Slater:
“I sometimes wake up and feel totally alone in the world. I think it happens to people that have had great success in their life. I feel super alone, and people don’t quite relate to me.”

On his legacy:
“If I’m not happy with what I’ve done (in my career) I have a serious mental issue.”

And, his retirement:
“I had a lot of sadness this year. As you come to the end of a cycle of something in your life, it’s equally exciting and sad. (Competitive surfing) has been such a big part of my life. I don’t know when I’m going to retire, I will announce it the day it happens. But I feel like it’s an impending thing.”

But also:

“I can’t retire before 30 years as a pro. In fact, when the Olympics start (in August 2020) it will be thirty years for me.”

Kelly the prankster, still playing this game better than anyone else. Even the indecision is calculated.

That competitive drive for success, for relevance, is always there. We know it.

But each apparent contradiction, each second guess, take us closer to his polysemic truth.

It’s a mirror, held up to another mirror.

Just how he likes it.

Listen here. 

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