"The definitive voice of surf and outdoors."
This 2020 United States Democratic Primary season is the most vital, most important, most serious moment in surf history. Never before has a major political party in a first world nation made destroying us, our way of life, a main pillar.
We are under attack. Erik Logan to the soft left of us, Democratic establishment politics to the softer left and here we are, stuck in middle with each other.
All of this nasty business got started when one-time Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton declared her hatred for our kind, employing anger-repressed Mayor Pete Buttigieg in her sinister game in the hopes that surfers would once and for all be wiped from the face of America, first, then the earth.
Scary times.
And much scarier now that Mayor Pete’s candidacy is faltering.
In a just delivered speech following his state of Nevada defeat, Buttigieg declared:
We can prioritize either ideological purity or inclusive victory. We can either call people names online or we can call them into our movement. We can either tighten a narrow and hardcore base or open the tent to a new, broad, big-hearted American coalition.
Oh hell.
Oh worse than hell.
An open tent? New, broad, big-hearted coalition? Zero name calling?
Flavors of the VAL apocalypse but worse. The actual word-for-word “about us” link on the world’s second most insidious “surf-based” website.
That’s right.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg is The Inertia.
Oh hell.
Oh worse than hell.
I thought The Inertia and its mountain sport meets ocean splashing meets SUP meets “Would You Care to Have Your Socks Knocked Off by Kanoa Igarashi” was dead.
Apparently it is not and it is now weaponized against us.
More as the story develops.