Former professional surfers own beer brands and real
estate ventures. Instead, he’s selling t-shirts and making videos.
And standing there in his shop, he looks damn happy doing it. |
Photo: Jen See
Former world #4 surfer famous for his
go-for-broke style Dane Reynolds opens classic old-school surf shop
in Ventura, “It’s easy to feel like surfing’s soul has drowned in a
sea of soft tops and Sprinter vans!”
By Jen See
"Former professional surfers own beer brands and
real estate ventures. Instead, Reynolds is selling t-shirts and
making videos."
The green-painted building at 365 East Santa Clara
Street in Ventura stands alone surrounded by parking lots in the
shade of an Indian Laurel.
Heavy metal shutters swing across the windows and a wrought-iron
gate guards the entry. It has variously served as a property
management office and a check cashing outfit.
These days, the simple building houses Chapter 11 TV Surf Shop,
the latest venture from Dane Reynolds. Black block lettering on the
side of the building spells out Chapter 11 TV.
On Tuesday, Justin from Left Side Designs added “surf shop” to
the sign. Stickers dot the two front windows. It looks fun,
homegrown, and unassuming.
Let’s go inside.
A round glass table readily at home in your grandparents’ living
room stands in the center of the room. It’s an obvious thrift shop
find. Piles of stickers sit on the table’s two shelves. As a grom
at heart, I took the free stickers, yes.
Surf films run on the video screens, which should not surprise
you at all.
A poster hangs on the wall from the premier of “Glad You Scored”
at the nearby Majestic Ventura Theater, a battered single-screen
movie house. There’s a framed photograph of Reynolds surfing, and a
framed movie flyer from Australia. Nothing fancy.
Clothing from Former runs along one wall. The line has subdued
colors, which is to say, there’s a lot of black. Reynolds pulls
design elements from eclectic sources, and the current collection
brings a punk-mod vibe.
Reynolds is also producing clothing under his Chapter 11 TV
label, and it occupies the store’s opposite wall. Bright, playful,
and mostly hand-drawn, it feels entirely different from Former. The
groms seem to like it — smaller sizes were scarce.
In an Instagram story, Reynolds explains one of the designs.
While sending a text to filmer Hunter Martinez during the Haleiwa
comp, Reynolds told him to “Capture the moment.” At the same time,
Reynolds was drawing a shooting star for one of his daughters. It’s
now a cute as fuck t-shirt and hoody. I regret not buying one.
Boards and suits remain on the sparser side. A few boards hang
from the ceiling with space for more. A stack of cards at the front
desk stands ready for custom orders to Channel Islands. The
extremely analogue approach fits. A rack holds a dozen or so
An opening in the back wall shows a small workspace with a
four-color t-shirt printing press. It’s Saturday afternoon, and
Reynolds is back there screening shirts. He looks relaxed and
happy, like there are few places he would rather be. He waves a
cheerful hello.
Surf today?
Nah, it was flat all the way down the coast. Looked like a
swimming pool.
Did you check the harbor? He sounds like he’s trying to help us,
like he really wants us to find surf today.
I admit that we did not check the harbor. It was so flat, you
could have seen a whale fart.
We rehearse the call and response. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next
week. It’s the slowest winter anyone has seen in years.
We buy a t-shirt and Reynolds thanks us for stopping by and for
supporting the project. It feels genuine. He wants to succeed at
this thing.
Former professional surfers own beer brands and real estate
ventures. They fix and they flip. If Reynolds has a real estate
empire, he’s kept it a secret. Instead, he’s selling t-shirts and
making videos. And standing there in his shop, he looks damn happy
doing it.
There’s a quality of giving back about Reynolds’ current chapter
that’s hard to resist. He created Chapter 11 TV to serve as
a video platform for the local rippers. He’s one of
the many partial owners of Channel Islands surfboards. (The brand
passed the hat among team riders, employees, and local friends to
come up with Burton’s asking price.)
At a recent film night at CI, one of his daughters held her
hands over ears. She felt the music was too loud. Ten minutes
later, all three kids were asleep in their parents’ laps.
Outside 365 E. Santa Clara, traffic rushes by, and around the
small building, time shifts the city. Walk two blocks, and find a
bargain-rate Motel 6 and a liquor store.
Walk four more and arrive at a yoga studio and a vegan
restaurant with modern apartments stacked on top.
A few blocks further still, Patagonia’s headquarters sprawls
across several buildings.
Green grass from the recent rains pokes up through the dirt in a
vacant lot.
As I wait to cross the street, I read the sign. A six-story
building is coming soon. Retail on the bottom and apartments up
top, the pattern repeats. Already, there’s Playa Vista and Cora,
which boasts coastal luxury living and a resort-style skydeck. Live
the future. Leases available.
Earlier in the afternoon, I stood in a parking lot with a crew
of women who have built home-grown brands. They had brought their
goods to sell in time for the holidays: Board bags and totes from
upcycled fabrics, a newly launched magazine, hand-shaped
surfboards, wetsuits, and art.
“All the most important things in surfing happen standing around
in the parking lot next to the dumpster,” says Kassia Meador, whose
bright spark lights up films like The Sprout and who now owns
Kassia wetsuits.
Meador’s energy is infectious. She convinces me to try on a
wetsuit, even though I don’t need one, even though I know that I
wear a men’s medium in every brand. Come on, she says. Just try
It’s easy to feel like surfing’s soul has drowned in a sea of
soft tops and Sprinter vans. The latest private equity firm to come
along buys and sells the empty shell that’s left. Pull the
shrinkwrap off another one.
Did it ever exist at all? Did surfing ever have a soul? Seduced
by magic images and exuberant story-telling, did we imagine the
whole thing?
I’m pretty sure our battered soul still exists, stuck to us like
the last chunk of wax at the bottom of the box.
It might be the guy screening t-shirts in the back of his shop
and making cheerful small talk about the waves and the forecast. It
might be the next generation of groms falling asleep on movie
night. It might be the women hanging out in the parking lot,
talking about board designs.
I think maybe we pass the beat-up remnants of that soul from one
person to the next wherever we manage to find one another. It’s
there in those brief moments of connection, and it’s there in the
shared scripts we repeat back to each other.
Get any waves today?
Maybe tomorrow.
Here we are, just passing time until the waves come again.
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Photo: WSL
Long Read: The complete unabridged saga of
how surf fans stunned the world by lighting candles en masse for a
Kelly Slater, Gisele Bündchen fairytale reunion thereby probably
bringing it about if it wasn’t for that pesky Brazil!
By Chas Smith
2022's most compelling saga in full.
Chapter 1:
Very sad news broke, today, that football’s
greatest of all-time, one Tom Brady, and his wife, the Brazilian
supermodel Gisele Bündchen have each hired divorce lawyers. The
two, married since 2009 and sharing two children, have been at the
highest peak of Mt. Power Couple for years and have seemed to live
in a fairytale though rumors of discord began percolating this
As previously revealed, the couple have been living
separately for the past couple months following an epic fight — and
they’re now apparently looking at dividing up their
multimillion-dollar empire.
“I never actually thought this argument would be the end of
them, but it looks like it is,” one source in the know tells Page
“I don’t think there will be any coming back now. They both
have lawyers and are looking at what a split will entail, who gets
what and what the finances will be.”
And, again, very sad though surf fans, ever vulgar, are quietly
rubbing their hands in glee, lighting candles in the hope that a
newly single Bündchen may just might rekindle her flame with
professional surfing’s greatest of all-time Kelly Slater.
GOAT jumping.
Students of our sport’s history know that Slater and Bündchen
enjoyed a year long romance from 2005 through 2006, two seasons he
maybe not coincidentally won World Titles.
While Slater is currently in a relationship with a girlfriend he
describes as “Chinese,” stranger things have happened than two old
lovers connecting after decades of separation.
See: Ben Affleck and J-Lo.
Where’s your head at in all this?
More importantly, I suppose, where is your heart?
Chapter 2:
A bombshell exploded, this morning, in the
scintillating though sad story of Brazilian supermodel Gisele
Bündchen and the greatest football player of all-time Tom Brady
each hiring divorce lawyers. Radar magazine is
reporting the reason for the split is that the
“marriage has gone cold as ice,” according to an NFL insider close
to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ starting quarterback. “Gisele is a
Brazilian supermodel with a super sex drive and she’s told her
friends she needs more from her all-American husband.”
Brady, you see, appears to be one of those sorts of sportsmen
who believes that love making, before partaking in an athletic
feat, diminishes… virility when pushing against other men, I
The actor Dax Shepard asked Brady directly about sex before
sport on a podcast, once, Brady demurring before offering, “That
wouldn’t be my pregame warm-up.”
The news sent surf fans, already sitting by lit candles, into an
obscene frenzy.
Bündchen and the greatest surfer of all-time, one Kelly Slater,
you see, were involved with each other, romantically, in 2005 and
2006. Two years when Slater, maybe not coincidentally, won world
titles. As everyone but World Surf League CEO Erik Logan knows,
surfing is not, in fact, a sport so unaffected by a little night
Now, Slater is currently in a committed relationship but Ben
Affleck was in one with Ana de Armas and Jennifer Lopez was in one
with Alex Rodriguez before they reunited in a flurry of
Mt. Power Couple.
Chapter 3:
Surf fans, already whipped into an obscene
frenzy over Gisele Bünchen and Tom Brady’s sudden split,
could not believe the news, this morning, that the Brazilian
supermodel very publicly took a wad of sage out to her car in
order, presumably, rid the ride of the star quarterback’s bad
Those who are aware of sage’s mystical properties know that its
burning has purifying, restorative effects. More to our point,
though, the move might also have been a smoke signal, as it were,
to the greatest surfer of all-time Kelly Slater.
Slater and Bündchen famously dated across 2005 and 2006, those
years, maybe not coincidentally, being two of eleven championship
seasons for the Boy from Cocoa Beach.
A lost day and age when surfers dated stars. When our kind was
embodied by pure gorgeous as opposed to adult-learning flubber.
Might we be back, though?
As it happens, Sage Erickson is an ambassador for Kelly Slater’s
Outerknown, a company that prides itself on renewability etc. The
right way to live. Etc.
Last year, sustainable men’s label Outerknown debuted its
first women’s collection with a unique campaign. Founder and
11-time world champion surfer Kelly Slater certainly could have
asked a few of his athlete or celebrity friends to participate, but
instead, he cast a trio of activists working in climate change and
sustainability. To the average Instagram user, they probably
weren’t familiar, but the women Outerknown hoped to engage likely
already followed them. It was an early example of how a brand can
align its vision, mission, and marketing in a truly authentic
Burning sage.
Oh not “burning” in our parlance but restorative, spiritual,
healthy burning. Exactly like surf fans, everywhere, are burning
candles down to nubs for a Slater-Bündchen reunion.
Sleepless nights.
Chapter 4:
Surf fans have been on a roller coaster, for
the past four days, since it was revealed that Tom Brady and Gisele
Bündchen may be headed toward divorce after each hired lawyers. The
football great and Brazilian supermodel have allegedly been living
in a “sexless marriage” among other such troubles whipping the
aforementioned fans into an obscene frenzy.
History’s best surfer, Kelly Slater, you see, dated Bündchen for
a year plus and candles were lit in hopes that the two might
rekindle their storied romance.
Today, though, troubling reports are emerging that Slater may
have competition. Page Six has listed
Bünchen’s past boyfriends including model Scott
Barnhill, polo player Rico Mansur and businessman João Paulo Diniz.
Slater, concerningly, finds himself sandwiched between actors
Leonardo DiCaprio and Josh Hartnett with other actor, and Captain
America, Chris Evans just trailing.
The respected gossip source writes, “Shortly after her split
with DiCaprio, Bündchen started dating professional surfer Kelly
Slater. The pair lasted until early 2006 before they decided to go
their separate ways.”
Not overly turgid.
This is the time, though, surf fans must be strong and not give
up hope. Our champion will be tested, no doubt, but we must have
faith in his prowess and ability to outshine stars. He is, after
all, very skilled in managing priority etc.
Still, light two candles, please.
Chapter 5:
The most exciting surf-adjacent story of the
last decade, one that has kept our kind up for days now, has taken
yet another wild twist. Surf fans have been on edges of settees
since it was revealed that Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady had each
hired lawyers amid an unraveling marriage.
There had been whispers of troubles ever since the star
quarterback had decided to un-retire and continue playing the game
earlier last year but nobody expected divorce so sudden, so
Eyes immediately turned to Kelly Slater. The greatest ever
surfer and Bündchen had dated from 2005 through 2006 and not only
formed a striking pair but also made each other very powerful.
Slater won two of his eleven world titles in those years and
Bündchen appeared on many, many magazine covers.
Might the two get back together and shine brighter than ever
Surf fans lit candles in hope though were thrown into panicked
disarray when it was revealed, yesterday, that
Leonardo DiCaprio and Josh Hartnett had emerged as potential
challengers for her coveted hand.
Those same fans transitioned, today, however, to manic glee as
the Brazilian supermodel stepped out with an altered tattoo.
As the sun appears to be setting on Gisele Bündchen and Tom
Brady’s marriage, the supermodel has made some eye-catching changes
to one of her celestial tattoos.
On Thursday, the Brazilian beauty was snapped visiting a
building in Miami (that happens to house legal offices) wearing
cuffed jeans and a pair of flip-flops that showed off the updated
ink on her right ankle.
While the design previously depicted a crescent moon
surrounded by three stars, Bündchen appears to have turned it into
a tree, with several branches curling upward around the
A tree with several branches curling upward around the
Absolutely not.
Even recently converted surf fans clearly recognized Slater’s
iconic hairless head and steely gaze as witnessed at this past
year’s Pipeline Pro (examine
Surf fans woke this morning, covered in dried
candle wax, not knowing how much more their hearts could take. It
was almost a week ago when news leaked that Tom Brady and Gisele
Bündchen had each hired divorce lawyers and were very likely headed
toward a split. The couple, who had seemed nothing but ideal over
the past decade-plus, had apparently been dealing with issues for
some time, some unspecified big fight finally blowing the wheels
right off.
While divorce is never a happy affair, surf fans immediately
began wondering if the Brazilian supermodel and her former flame,
surfing great Kelly Slater, may just might rekindle their romance.
The two seemed to share very much including “beach vibes” and
having dated from 2005 to 2006.
News breaking today suggests there is even more. Page Six is
reporting that Bündchen was seen today visiting a “faith
Gisele Bündchen is happy to namastay right at her healer’s
The former Victoria’s Secret Angel was spotted visiting her
Ayurvedic physician, Dr. Ewa Wieruszewska Lierle, on Friday for the
second time as she continues to grapple with her seemingly broken
marriage to Tom Brady.
The visit seemed to be a more casual one, as Bündchen was
spotted carrying an Amazon Prime box out of the office while the
doctor held a Tupperware container of what appeared to be split pea
The Brazilian model and Wieruszewska Lierle wore similar
beaded necklaces during their visit, which concluded with Bündchen
getting into her car while participating in a serious phone
But who could forget Slater’s own Wieruszewska Lierle, one
Charlie Goldsmith? He was introduced to us three years ago via the
World Surf League.
Were you as thrilled as I was by the appearance of “healer,
inventor, businessman” Charlie Goldsmith in the Kelly Slater
episode of Sound Waves, the WSL’s excellent new series? Goldsmith
is very famous, at least in Australia, for his ability to cure the
sick with his personal electric vibrations, as well as tap into the
wellness zeitgeist with various business start-ups. In a
three-month study carried out by the Australian television show
Sunday Night, and screened last August, we are privy to the miracle
of Goldsmith who “claims he possesses a mysterious energy that can
cure the sick using just his mind…he can end chronic pain, cure
crippling arthritis, even save lives.”
Goldsmith was eighteen years old when he “first felt a
strange sensation between his hands. He says he soon discovered
this energy could heal people. Worried about exposing himself to a
world of doubters, he wanted to keep his gift secret until science
supported his claims.”
A match made in the heavens?
I do believe Slater also enjoys split pea soup.
One more candle please.
Chapter 6:
What a week it has been. Exactly seven days
ago, news broke that Tom Brady and his wife Gisele Bündchen had
each hired divorce lawyers. The exceptional quarterback, who
currently plays for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and the Brazilian
supermodel had seemed the picture of happiness and success over the
course of their decade-plus marriage but oh what we each don’t
know, don’t see behind the closed doors of lives.
Apparently the two had been having issues for some years and the
whole business unraveled after a “big fight” at the beginning of
this year’s NFL season.
Surf fans around the globe immediately turned attention toward
the the world’s greatest surfer, Kelly Slater, and a possible,
glorious reunion. Slater and Bündchen had famously dated during
2005 – 2006, two of eleven championship years for the Boy from
Cocoa Beach, and candles were lit for a rekindling.
On a podcast interview hours ago, the seven-time Super Bowl
winner declared:
There’s things I’m going through in my 40s and it’s life.
And you learn to grow up and you learn to deal with life. And
that’s what we’re all trying to do. We’re trying to do it the best
way we can. I think you realize that there’s a lot, especially in
today’s day and age, with how fast things are happening in life for
all of us, and the amount of responsibilities we have. You wake up
every day trying to do the best you can do, understanding that life
has its stresses. And to deal with them with a great support system
and understanding and having some introspectiveness in your life
where you can look at yourself and say, “Where do I need to commit
my time and energy to? And how can I lessen some of the stress and
lessen the burden on me so that I can be good for people around
me.” So those are all different things that I work at.
To repeatedly refer to Slater as a “thing” seems very
calculated, very… pointed. Certainly a shot over the bow but how
will the sitting Pipeline Pro respond to the slight? In a battle of
GOATs, where would you side? I mean, as a surf fan obviously with
Slater but who do you think would, could actually re-win Bündchen’s
Tom Brady has millions of dollars and lived in Derek Jeter’s
Kelly Slater knows pretty much everything.
Fingernails to nubs.
Chapter 7:
Can you, as a surf fan, take anymore? The wild
highs, the depressing lows of this ongoing saga involving Gisele
Bündchen, her estranged husband Tom Brady and one-time flame Kelly
Slater? It is, truly, almost too much but surf fans are, if
anything, steady in wanting, needing to see a reconciliation
between the Brazilian supermodel and her surfing champion.
As you may, or may not, know, the two dated from 2005 through
2006 and very successfully. Bünchen appeared on many magazine
covers and walked many runways. Slater won two of his eleven world
titles. A power couple we had not since Madonna dated our Kaipo
Guerrero in 1985.
Bündchen and Slater represented a second coming but life, in the
form of a dashing quarterback, got in the way.
Hope, though, has bubbled through and surf fans have lit
candles, riding the wild highs and depressing lows in the same
manner we follow the big wave career of current champion Filipe
Days ago, it appeared as if Bündchen sent a coded message to
Slater by saging her car. Days after that she visited a faith
healer. And now? Well, hours ago, life coach Jay Shetty took to
Instagram and penned, “You can’t be in a committed relationship
with someone who is inconsistent. Read that again.”
A fine sentiment that Bündchen responded to with a praying hands
And there has been no more consistent surfer than Kelly Slater
what with his aforementioned eleven world titles and also general
je ne sais quoi. The Pipeline Master rarely breaks
surprises in his long-held positions. He doesn’t like flat earthers
and never has. He does, on the other hand, enjoy golf and always
has. He is skeptical of big pharma, environmentally conscious,
doesn’t “go along with the crowd,” etc.
As solid as a stone.
Could this be it?
Is there anything else we can light besides candles?
Chapter 8:
What a difference a day makes. Less than
twenty-four hours ago, surf fans had never been so high, riding to
the very crest of a wave that has been building all week. Namely,
the revelation that Gisele Bündchen and her husband Tom Brady had
each hired divorce lawyers and were not “hanging out,” as it
The two had been married for over a decade but suddenly, and
seemingly without warning, separation hung heavy in the air. While
this fact was, and is, sad, surf fans couldn’t help but feel a rush
of emotion, of hope that maybe Bündchen was on her way back to the
world’s greatest surfer, Cocoa Beach’s Kelly Slater.
The Brazilian supermodel and eleven-time world champion had
dated during 2005, 2006 and formed the very picture of beauty,
brains, international sexy.
And, thus, the aforementioned surf fans have been hanging on
every drip, every drop from the saga, finding references to Kelly
Slater everywhere. Bündchen was seen sending smoke signals to
Slater, saging her car,
visiting a faith
healer, altering a
tattoo, dropping praying hands
emoji underneath a comment about love and commitment
(or something).
The pure joy but today, now, possible heartbreak looms as a new
revelation directly implicates Slater’s life choices as
Speaking recently to Us Weekly, an insider said friends of
Brady, 45, and Bündchen, 42, “are upset” at the Buccaneers
quarterback “for going back on his word and coming out of
retirement,” referencing his NFL change of heart.
“They hate the way Tom is refusing to bend for Gisele,” the
source continued.
Allegations of discord between Brady and Bündchen first
surfaced in September, when Page Six exclusively reported that the
pair had engaged in heated arguments over his NFL return. A source
later stated, however, that their issues have “nothing to do with
his decision to return to the NFL,” noting the claims are
“The problems are not due to his decision to play football
again — sometimes things are complicated,” the source
Let’s choose to still believe, though, that Slater’s past
misstep won’t harm our future happiness.
Let’s light five candles each.
Chapter 9:
Surf fans, moments ago, were seen mournfully
weeping, or it may have actually been woefully sobbing, after the
shocking announcement that Gisele Bündchen had initiated divorce
proceedings from Tom Brady as a result of his telegraphing
retirement from professional football before reneging and suiting
up again.
The world’s greatest and oldest surfer, Kelly Slater’s, own foibles as it relates to
retirement suddenly thrust into the spotlight at the
worst possible time.
But might those tears have been premature for those hoping,
dreaming of a rekindling between Bündchen and Slater?
For those unaware, the Brazilian supermodel and eleven-time
champion dated from 2005 through 2006 creating a dynamic duo our
kind had only witnessed once before
in history.
Their potential reunion the stuff of whispered myth.
But, alas, Slater’s refusal to hang up the singlet a major
possible roadblock.
An enterprising surf journalist has uncovered the greatest hint
of all. As any modern man, woman, none-of-the-prior knows,
Instagram is the place to telegraph the heart’s true desire and
look and see.
While Tom Brady is followed by both Slater and Bündchen…
He follows neither. But, they follow each other!
The candles surf fans have been lighting appear to be
Love, truly, is the way.
Though it may feel like we’ve finally crossed the finish line,
more candles can’t hurt.
Buy in bulk, please.
Chapter 10:
Signs continue pointing to “YES!” for a
potential reunion between Kelly Slater and Gisele Bündchen as surf
fans, sitting by windows, candles lit, have been willing,
willing, this power couple boom.
For those just getting caught up, the Brazilian supermodel had,
until weeks ago, been seemingly happily married to football great
Tom Brady, living an idyllic life. Then, wham, both were hiring
divorce lawyers and the facade shattered. Surf fans, whilst trying
to be respectful of the sadness, couldn’t help but dream of a
re-kindling of flame between Bündchen and the world’s best surfer
Kelly Slater.
Those two famously dated from 2005 through 2006 and looked sexy
Well, there have been many ups and downs, including Bündchen
saging her car and Slater and Bündchen following each other on
Instagram though neither following, or followed by, Tom Brady, the
best sign came days ago when it was revealed that Tom Brady went,
solo, to billionaire 81-year-old Patriots owner Robert Kraft’s
On Friday, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback, 45,
attended New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft’s wedding to Dana
Blumberg by himself amid marriage troubles with his wife, Gisele
A source at the wedding event told PEOPLE Brady was “great”
and he “looked happy” while paling around with his former
teammates, including Randy Moss, Vince Wilfork and Drew Bledsoe.
The source noted that even with an away game on Sunday, Brady
stayed at the party for a long duration.
Kraft, 81, and Brady have a years-long friendship, given the
NFL superstar spent the entirety of his football career with the
New England Patriots before joining the Buccaneers in 2020. The New
England team selected him in the sixth round of the 2000 NFL
In photos obtained by Page Six, Brady can be seen exiting a
black SUV while wearing a black suit, which he paired with a white
dress shirt that was left unbuttoned at the top.
Notably absent were both Gisele Bündchen and Kelly Slater.
While there is no suggestion they were together, it must be
noted each has a home in Florida.
While you are here, though, if you make it to 81-years-old and
you are single, do you think you’ll get married?
Something to ponder while cleaning melted wax off the
Chapter 11:
American football, at the professional level,
is played on Thursday night, Sunday and Monday night but mostly
Sunday and, as such, yesterday found Tampa Bay Buccaneers
quarterback Tom Brady on the sidelines suffering an ugly loss to
Pittsburgh’s Steelers. Brady is not used to losing, being the
winningest player of all-time, and the sting was apparent as he
exploded in rage at his offensive line before the first half
Much ire.
While football fans assumed the outburst was simply directed at
those players for playing poorly, surf fans imagined another
possible reason. Namely that Brady was using his teammates as a
proxy for us, surf fans, who have spent the last week-plus busily
lighting and re-lighting candles in hope of a magical reunion
between Kelly Slater and Brady’s estranged wife Gisele
As you may, or may not, know, word leaked almost two weeks ago
that the football great and his Brazilian supermodel had each,
separately, hired divorce lawyers. Stories began leaking of
troubles, of frustrations in the marriage and while it was all
certainly sad, surf fans began willing a reunion of the 11x surf
champion and Bündchen.
The two famously dated during the 2005 – 2006 season and formed
the absolute picture of gorgeous.
Talent, beauty, off-piste thinking.
Peak surf.
We have not had a couple so dynamic since, Jack Freestone and
Alana Blanchard notwithstanding, and hope sprung for a return to
Which must be annoying for Brady.
And, now, certainly his teammates.
Put your candle under a bushel?
Chapter 12:
Surf fans have been feeling pretty darn good about our
chances of a fairytale reunion between Gisele Bündchen and
Kelly Slater of late. Many candles lit, the Brazilian supermodel’s
estranged husband acting ruffled, potential challengers like
Leonardo DiCaprio and Josh Hartnett seemingly sidelined.
The world’s greatest surfer holding priority.
For those unaware, Slater and Bündchen lived a dream, together,
from 2005 though 2006. They were iconic, ideal and surf fans have
never seen a better pairing.
Alas, Bündchen was swept off her feet by dashing quarterback Tom
Brady, and surf fans gave up hope… until a week-plus, that is, when
it was revealed that the couple had hired divorce lawyers and were
heading for a split.
Surf fans immediately lit candles and tracked every development
wide-eyed. Look, there is Bündchen saging her car, sure a sign. And
now going to a faith healer exactly the same as Slater. But oh no,
Brady’s refusal to retire may have led to the rift? And now, a new
heretofore unseen young suitor materializing from nowhere?
Brady’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers just so happened to play
Pittsburgh’s Steelers over the weekend and, well…
A bold declaration.
While Slater has been very subtle in his signals, it may be time
for him to go all in.
Light your traditional candles, please, along with a rosewood
scented one.
Rosewood is said to have aphrodisiac qualities.
Chapter 13:
The demise of Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen’s
marriage has been captivating surf fans for weeks now. As
soon as news of trouble percolated to the surface, the
aforementioned have dreamed of a magical reunion between the
Brazilian supermodel and her one-time beau, the world’s greatest
surfer Kelly Slater.
The two, as you know, famously dated during 2005 through 2006,
those years marking absolute peak surf.
Candles have been lit by the pallet-load, windowsills so wax
coated as to become fire dangers themselves.
But, hours ago, these same surf fans have been thrown into
consternation as Brady, who is 45, just held a scintillating press
conference in which he telegraphed that he would never stop playing
professional football even though it is rumored that his playing
may have led to Bündchen heading for the door.
When asked about his plans he firmly declared “No retirement in
my future.”
Just exactly like Kelly Slater who only hints of his own leaving
the surf game to steal thunder from Joel Parkinson.
But imagine the best potential best friendship of Brady and
Slater, the two plying their respective crafts into 50s, 60s, 70s.
Encouraging each other to never give up.
Is this what our candles have manifested?
Two forever athletes?
Chapter 14:
The power of surf fans, and their mass candle
lightings, has suddenly taken on new intrigue. Rumors are currently
breaking across TikTok that Tom Brady’s uncharacteristic
performance struggles are directly related to his estranged wife,
Gisele Bündchen and her various sagings plus
visits to spiritual
A hexing?
Brady, the greatest football player of all-time, has fallen hard
of late, an embarrassing 21 – 3 loss to the lowly Carolina Panthers
the most recent in a season-long string of bummer.
No touchdowns.
Much sad.
One-time coach and respected analyst Rex Ryan declared
afterward, “This team is searching like crazy. At least they’re
trying, they’re searching, but Tom Brady looks like a shell of
himself. You look at him even physically. His personal life,
obviously, is having an effect too. I get it. I don’t want to
minimize this. It’s a factor. Obviously it’s something. This looks
like there’s no answer because there’s no speed on the field.”
While Bündchen is taking most of the heat, surf fans are turning
inward, wondering if the mass candle lightings undergone in a
hoped-for reunion between the Brazilian supermodel and her beau
from 2005 through 2006, Kelly Slater, are, in fact, to blame.
As you know, the two formed up the most powerful surf couple
during those years, Bündchen at the height of her model powers,
powers that have made her vastly richer than her current husband.
Slater bagging two of eleven world titles.
As you may not know, candle lighting is essential to occultic
Oh, I’ve never wanted you, us, to travel that dangerous path. I
have encouraged purchasing various pumpkin spice offerings from
Yankee Candle, but maybe you got lazy?
Maybe you accidentally bought candles from the witch down the
It’s one thing for us to hope for a grand romantic reunion.
Quite another for us to curse a generational talent.
Driftwood, jasmine, raw coconut.
Maybe check your stock?
Chapter 15:
Surf fans could not believe this turn of
events, this radical shift. Weeks ago, they were sitting
by their windows, lighting candles as it was revealed that Gisele
Bündchen and her husband Tom Brady were having a rocky go. Oh,
there was no implied sadism, no hope for the destruction of a grand
union, but there was an even grander union to repair.
Namely with Kelly Slater.
The Brazilian supermodel and world’s greatest surfer had dated
over the 2005s and 2006s, forming up the grandest power couple in
surfing history. She at the height of her art. He winning two
Association of Surfing Professionals World Titles.
As fate had it, though, Bündchen fell into the arms of a dashing
quarterback, married, built a life but, now, all that is officially
in the rearview.
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady will file for divorce after 13
years of marriage, PEOPLE confirms.
Sources tell PEOPLE that they will both file in Florida on
Friday morning. (Update: Brady and Bündchen have since finalized
their divorce, according to court documents obtained by
“The settlement is all worked out,” a source with knowledge
of the situation tells PEOPLE. “They’ve been working on the terms
this whole time.”
The source adds: “They agreed to joint custody of the
The couple’s split comes after months of reports that the
couple had been struggling, and that Bündchen, 42, “is done with
their marriage,” another source previously told PEOPLE.
“She was upset about it for a long time and it’s still
difficult, but she feels like she needs to move on,” the source
said in early October. “She doesn’t believe that her marriage can
be repaired.”
Though what, exactly, was Bündchen upset about? Surf fans
worried that it might be Brady’s refusal to retire as Slater also
plans to surf, professionally, forever. But no! According to an
Us Weekly
source, “Gisele told Tom either he leaves football to spend time
with the family or she is gone for good. She doesn’t want him to
continue to get injured and not be able to enjoy life in the
future. She is doing it for her family.”
And there we go.
Injury worry.
Ouchies are extremely rare in professional surfing. Slater, for
example, hurt his foot a long time ago and, again, foot. Not head
or anything important.
The Kid from Cocoa Beach will be fit as a fiddle for years to
come and talk about having cake and eating it too.
Bolo de Rolo.
Divorce, anyhow, becoming official. The next step, for surf
fans, is a sort of Parent Trap bit of
Chapter 16:
All that candle lighting, it appears… is
working! Not working perfectly, mind you, and it could be
working much better, as I imagine some out there are yet to
participate, their windowsills unwaxed, but let us, the
tried-and-true, count our small victories this morning. Our
inch-by-inch gains.
Namely, sports’ books have officially released odds on who
Gisele Bündchen’s next boyfriend will be and our Kelly Slater is
currently EIGHTH!
As you know, well, rumors began percolating early in the month
that not all was well between the Brazilian supermodel and her
then-husband Tom Brady. While the news, later confirmed, was sad,
surf fans secretly hoped for a grand reunion between Bündchen and
the world’s greatest surfer and began quietly lighting candles by
windows for such. Hope sprang as she seemingly sent many signs to
Slater, saging her car, visiting a faith healer, and the
aforementioned surf fans began imagining, even seeing in minds’
eyes, the most handsome couple strolling various beaches hand in
And now we have official odds.
According to, the comedian Pete Davidson is the
favorite to land Bündchen’s hand at +1200. The actor Jason Momoa is
second at +1800 followed by Leonardo DiCaprio, John Mayer and
Neymar all at +2000, Chris Evans and Bradley Cooper at +2500 and
then our Kelly Slater at +3300.
Now, Davidson is a good bet, as well as Momoa, but I think we
can rule out DiCaprio (Leo’s Law), John Mayer (Taylor Swift’s
effective smear), and Neymar Jr. (Gabriel Medina). I don’t know
much about Chris Evans or Bradley Cooper’s relative attractiveness,
but nothing greater than Slater. Nothing a few extra lit candles
can’t solve.
If you have yet to spark a flame, please do so now whilst on
your way to your local bookie.
It’s Halloween, after all.
Chapter 17:
The ink is now well dry on Tom Brady and his
official ex-wife Gisele Bündchen’s divorce documents. The books on
thirteen years of marriage officially closed. Surf fans, as you
know, have been watching the dissolution closely. Oh divorce is
never a desired, or hoped for, outcome of any happy union but
whispers are that the quarterback great and his Brazilian
supermodel have been “living separate lives” for years and wouldn’t
at least her separate life be better spent with Kelly
The two, famously, dated for some very successful months between
2005 and 2006, both reaching pinnacles of success in their fields.
Bündchen the highest paid supermodel on earth during that time.
Slater winning two of his eleven world titles and surf fans dreamed
of a return to Camelot.
Certain worries have presented themselves along the way. Namely,
that Pete Davidson opened betting
season as Bündchen’s next beau followed closely by
Hawaiian stud Jason Momoa. Slater fell to eighth (+3300) but
the fact that he was on the list at all drove the perpetually
hopeful to bookies, lit candles in hand.
Another, how would Brady react to his ex and Slater’s almost
inevitable rekindling?
Well, the quarterback showed much poise in a victory over the
Los Angeles Rams, yesterday, and then declared in a press
conference, “We (he and Bündchen) wish only the best for each other
as we pursue new chapters in our lives that are yet to be written.
We kindly ask for privacy and respect as we navigate what is to
come in the days and weeks ahead.”
Only the best?
New chapters?
Surf fans rubbed their eyes, re-read and squealed in
All roadblocks, save Pete Davidson, suddenly cleared. The gilded
path almost wide open.
Light candles for Davidson and his rumored longed for
reconciliation with Kim Kardashian please.
We’ve got this.
Chapter 18:
There is coincidence and then there is fate and
surf fans, heretofore cynical empiricists, have magically,
majestically fallen under sway of the latter. But who could have
seen the series of events, unfolding during this past months, that
would have had them buy candles, en masse, lighting them on
windowsills? Who could have had them looking to the stars and
seeing patterns forming up that beckoned a return to
Namely 2005 – 2006 when surf brands made millions, surf contests
drew thousands, lineups were Wavestorm-free, VALs merely were
people from the valley and Kelly Slater was dating Gisele
Surfing’s greatest of all-time and the Brazilian supermodel were
living, breathing representatives of the dream and all was perfect…
or at least until the two parted ways and Bündchen became married
to quarterback Tom Brady.
But who can stop fate?
Bündchen and Brady shockingly announced their break, surf fans
began lighting those candles and now we have Bündchen vacationing
in the surf paradise of Costa Rica just miles away from the
Ayahuasca retreat Rythmia Life Advancement Center where Slater just
so happens to sit on the board.
Gisele Bündchen is wasting no time living her best life
following her divorce from Tom Brady.
The supermodel, 42, was all smiles on Monday when
photographers caught her strutting her stuff in tropical Costa
For the seemingly carefree outing, Bündchen wore a matching
taupe set featuring a low-cut crop top and stretchy pants. She
completed her casual vacation ensemble with a makeup-free face and
wavy hair.
Bündchen’s home is on the Nicoya Peninsula.
So is Rythmia Life Advancement Center.
You certainly recall when the 11x world champion visited there
not so long ago, declaring, “I just had the most profound
experience of my life. I literally decided to come here twelve
hours before I came. It was something that was nagging at me for a
few weeks beforehand, that this was something that could
potentially change my life. I’ve had a lot of experience in my
life. I’ve been all around the world… I’ve lived all around the
world…and I’ve got to experience most worldly things. But…”
Only the hardest of surfer hearts refuse to feel the alchemy
bubbling underneath the tropical sun. Only the thickest of surfer
brains are not hallucinating wedding bells, seeing sarong-clad
figures on the beach in minds’ eyes.
Chapter 19:
Things were going so wonderfully well for surf
fans and their dreamed of reunion between Kelly Slater and
Gisele Bündchen. The ink dried, almost instantly, on the Brazilian
supermodel and her ex-husband, Tom Brady’s, divorce papers. She
moved herself to Costa Rica, very near the ayahuasca retreat center
where the world’s greatest surfer just so happens to sit on the
board, and an announcement of conscious re-coupling seemed but days
Until, that is, cryptocurrency exchange FTX collapsed earlier
this month.
Founded by Sam Bankman-Fried three years ago, the exchange
promised to be the place that cryptocurrencies would be bought and
sold. The future experienced in real time. No pesky “government
printed dollar bills” getting in the way. Bright skies. Big
horizons. Pure non-fungibility.
Megastars, including Larry David, Tom Brady, his ex-wife
Bündchen were quick to sign on, invest, make beautiful commercials
The cryptocurrency market was rocked Friday by the collapse
of FTX, which filed for bankruptcy and saw CEO Sam Bankman-Fried
resign after his assets plummeted in worth from $16 billion at the
beginning of the week to virtually nothing. The fall of FTX, which
had been hailed as a trusted crypto platform, is set to have major
consequences for its investors, several of whom are major figures
on the field and in the business of sports.
One such prominent investor is Tom Brady.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB and his now ex-wife Gisele
Bundchen are among the celebrity investors in FTX, as the two were
announced as having taken major equity stakes in the company in
2021. He has served as a brand ambassador for the company and
starred in its commercials, receiving cryptocurrency in return,
while Bundchen was named the company’s environmental and social
initiatives adviser.
Brady and FTX’s other major investors have now likely lost
most if not all of their stake in the company, particularly after a
deal for cryptocurrency giant Binance to rescue FTX fell through
after a review of the company’s finances.
And it might be thought, amongst polite society, that Slater was
spared the fall and would have plenty of reserves to sweep Bündchen
out of financial despair.
It was not his fling with Pamela Anderson but rather a win at
Pipeline (I think).
In any case, much hope has led into this almost new year,
Bündchen beginning to date a jiu-jitsu instructor aside, though now
a revenge of the nerds hovers just over the horizon.
Jilted crypto enthusiasts threatening to sue the Brazilian
supermodel, her ex-husband Tom Brady, Pete Davidson’s exes’ father
Larry David and more.
Investors not only are suing Sam Bankman-Fried, but also
celebrity endorsers of his bankrupt crypto company FTX, including
Tom Brady, ex-wife Gisele Bündchen, Larry David, and sports stars
like David Ortiz, Steph Curry and Shaquille O’Neal.
Attorneys including star litigator David Boies filed the
lawsuit on behalf of Edwin Garrison, an Oklahoma resident who had
an FTX yield-bearing account which he funded with crypto assets to
earn interest, and others like him.
Celebrity endorsers such as David, who filmed a Super Bowl
commercial for FTX, are accused of engaging in deceptive practices
to sell FTX yield-bearing digital currency accounts, the suit
“Part of the scheme employed by the FTX Entities involved
utilizing some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment …
pouring billions of dollars into the Deceptive FTX Platform to keep
the whole scheme afloat,” the lawsuit states.
As any student of marriage knows, financial stuffs make or break
and here we have Slater, potentially, on the hook for billions if
he marries quickly without prenup.
The 11x Champ is notoriously cheap.
Ridiculously cheap.
Will he not do the required work that it will, no doubt, take to
win Bündchen’s fated hand?
Will he sacrifice his stingy for love?
More on his discounting surfboards and curb stomping domestic
producers tomorrow but until then…
…no more candles. Send money to Bündchen’s legal fund
Chapter 21:
Surf fans who have spent the better part of the past two
months lighting candles, setting them on windowsills,
hoping, dreaming, consulting with various seers and tea leaf
readers became extremely depressed weeks ago. The reason? Gisele
Bündchen had not instantly taken up with onetime flame Kelly Slater
in the aftermath of her breakup with Tom Brady both rather a
jiu-jitsu instructor.
Though the world’s greatest surfer wears a purple belt
(disputed), the Brazilian supermodel seems to have opted for
Joaquim Valente who teaches the art of strangulation and
All hope lost.
Former UFC fighter and jiu-jitsu participant Jake Shields, hours
ago, dumped Laird Hamilton level ice-water on the potential of
Valente and Bündchen lasting long. Per a hot message from Elon
Musk’s Twitter, Shields declared, “As someone who’s done jiu-jitsu
for over 20 years I can tell you it rarely ends well when guys
bring their girls into training. If you’re the toughest guy in the
gym it’s probably fine but otherwise don’t do it.”
And whoa.
The notion, I think, is that shame will be rolled onto vinyl
mats, the love interest will see a better man et voila.
It makes perfect sense but now image paddling out into the surf
with one Kelly Slater. Even at 50, almost 51, years of age the 11x
World Champion reigns supreme.
Easy hand jams.
Unsurpassable carving 360s.
All Slater has to do is offer a fun little North Shore shred to
Bündchen et really voila.
While you are re-discovering your faith, lighting a fresh
Hanukkah candle for the union the world actually needs, I must ask.
Have you ever taken a love interest surfing only to be outshined in
the water?
Details please.
Gisele Bündchen is, currently, in Brazil’s surf paradise,
while surf fans dreams, and their candles, have all been officially
extinguished. If there is one thing Kelly Slater will not do, it is
travel to Brazil.
The end.
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Digital assets. Photo: Surfer magazine
“Tech-powered” media company with alleged
naughty CEO loses ever loving mind, purchases defunct Surfer
magazine, Men’s Journal for $25 million U.S. dollars!
By Chas Smith
Butts n boobs for the win?
Now, I am not what would be described a “financial
wizard.” But I have shared, with you, the time that I was
invited to interview David Petraeus onstage in Miami and some
ultra-exclusive moneyman gathering. The conference’s founder loved
having a “wild card” at each of his events, thus me, and there I
sat in a comfortable chair chatting Middle East business with the
Smith (right) and Petraeus having a little
Afterward, mingling with the hundred, or such, millionaires and
billionaires, I got to speaking of my own investment strategies
with the owner of the Boston Celtics basketball team. He listened,
carefully, then said, “You are a unicorn. You get it exactly wrong
such a large percentage of the time that you become valuable.
Basically whatever you do, I would do the opposite and win.”
Yes, I have rotten instincts and so maybe the just-announced
purchase of defunct Surfer magazine, plus the digital assets of
Men’s Journal, Skateboarder, Snowboarder and other dribs and drabs
from David Pecker’s a360 by “tech powered” media company The Arena
Group for an alleged $25 million United States dollars makes all
the sense in the world because I think it is stupid.
Per reporting, The Arena Group, which counts more than 240
titles including Sports Illustrated and Parade, the magazine that
comes in newspapers that grandmas love, its own.
Ross Levinsohn, Chairman and CEO of The Arena Group, who had a spot of #MeToo
trouble, bullishly declared, “For years, consumers
have trusted Men’s Journal for exclusive lifestyle content and
guidance on travel, gear, the outdoors, style, food & drink, and
more. Additionally, the titles within the Adventure Network have
long stood for excellence with passionate enthusiasts within the
Ski, Surf, Biking, and Skateboarding communities. There are natural
synergies between these brands and our existing audiences we can
leverage and enhance through integration, distribution, and our
playbook, driving incremental value, growth, and profitability.
This strategic investment underscores our commitment to
diversifying and devoting resources to opportunities where we see
the most value across The Arena Group.”
A dear friend in the media space said unto me, “Hard to
overstate how insane the $25 million figure is given that Men’s
Journal was the only title driving any revenue at all and it’s
unlikely it was doing more than $8 – $10 million, 90% of which was
print and they’re shuttering print.”
Which leaves Surfer.
Was the butts n boobs contest a wild financial success?
Perfect for Levinsohn’s “frat house behavior trail” in any
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Nasty and Bert!
Butterball comic Bert “The Machine”
Kreischer wows fans with surprising anatomical detail in hot and
heavy workout with sexy Hawaiian Only Fans star nicknamed
By Derek Rielly
A work of mastercraft of the most noble dimensions.
A royal column!
Three months ago, Hawaiian surf royalty Nathan “Nasty”
Florence and Koa Rothman went on a podcast hosted by
comedian and the inspiration behind National
Lampoon’s Van Wilder, Bert Kreischer, and
threw arrows and barbs and whatever else was at hand at
“Here’s my question, is surfing like comedy where the gossip is
what would sell?”
Florence ponders for a moment before answering, “I don’t think
it would. There are some platforms that do sell on gossip but I
wouldn’t say they’re the biggest.”
Bert, curious, wonders, “You talking about BeachGrit?”
Florence, without pause, says, “Yes.”
Rothman, the handsomest of his brothers adds, “They suck, they
Bert, laughing, describes how the lovable surf tabloid pops into
his feed. Florence tells him to “get it out of there.” Rothman
interjects, “They’re not even big either. They talk shit about
anyone.” At the same time Florence says, “They just make up stuff.
They just straight make up stuff.”
Rothman ends with, “It’s crazy,” shaking his head.
All true of course and they might have added hysterical and
petty for good measure.
On a recent North Shore morning, Kreischer, who is fifty, and
the twenty-something Hawaiian Only Fans star and Powerlifter Nathan
Florence, combined for a hot and heavy workout in the grounds
of the Sunset Elementary School.
The “brutal field workout” contrasts the maddeningly cool
Florence with the furnace-face greasy Kreischer, sweat already
beginning to sluice down his face and body even before the
calisthenics begin.
Surfers slam US news giant CNN after clumsy
reporting of “freak wave” that killed three and injured seventeen
in gruesome mass drowning!
By Derek Rielly
A wilful ignorance.
Earlier today an email, written in a breathless
did-you-hear-this style and cc’d to a broad cross-section of
surfers and media, arrived from the former Surfer staffer, Ben
“When I worked at SURFER
there was a story about a freak wave that came from out of nowhere
on a calm night in Daytona Beach,” Marcus wrote. “Swept the beach
and shoved some Mopars around but no one killed. No seismic
activity and they figured out later it was a downdraft far out at
sea. What was this?”
The story, headlined, ‘Freak’ wave kills 3 beachgoers and
injures 17 in South Africa, is classic mainstream
You know the drill.
The ocean is a malevolent, sleeping beast, awakening here and
there to drag swimmers to their doom.
Killer Rips. Freak Waves.
Enter the brine at your peril and so on.
Per the report,
CNN — Three beachgoers were killed by a “freak”
wave in
South Africa’s coastal city of Durban on Saturday, according to
local emergency medical services (EMS).
“EMS responded to reports of a freak wave that swept a group
of beachgoers against the pier causing multiple injuries,”
spokesman Njabulo Dlungele said in a statement published on
Twitter on Sunday.
He added that a teenager was among the three people declared
dead at the scene at North Beach, which was closed off after the
Another 17 people were injured, according to the
KwaZulu-Natal provincial government, which said in a statement
posted on
Facebook on Sunday: “The details of the incidents are still
sketchy at this point, however, it is believed that a freak wave
put many people into distress while swimming and they tragically
The EThekwini Municipality said on on
Facebook on Sunday that a team of 35 lifeguards undertook a
mass rescue effort and paramedics attended to more than 100 people
involved in the incident. It said those who died were swept out to
sea by rip currents.
The head of the provincial government, Nomusa Dube-Ncube,
has called for a full investigation into the “terrible tragedy”
and urged “all authorities and operators manning the
beaches and sea areas to ensure adequate and preventive safety
measure are in place to avoid any further loss of life.”
“It wasn’t a single wave, it was the result of too many bathers
coming down on a public holiday and a pushing tide onto a shallow
bank. At one stage the tide got too high and a set washed all
the bathers off the bank at once (200 odd) and into the rip next to
the piers. The lifeguards couldn’t save everyone in time.”
These grey oatmealy realities don’t have quite the same ring as
“freak waves”, and I often wonder how many swimmers have panicked
to their ultimate doom, gulping water the moment their feet leave a
bank or a long-period set wave hits ’em, ’cause of this sorta
That said, BeachGrit readers may experience a similar panic if
buzzed by a Great White.